to be anxious about对……感到担心
to be concerned about关心,挂念
to be enthusiastic about对……很热心,热心于
to be excited about对……感到兴奋
to be explicit about详述,对……态度明确
to be lazy about懒得……,对……没有热情
to be mean about在……方面很小气(吝啬)
to be modest about在……方面很谦虚
to be optimistic about对……很乐观
to be particular about对……很认真
to be pessimistic about对……悲观失望
to be upset about对……感到很烦恼(不安)
to have no scruples about对……毫无顾忌
to make afuss about对……大惊小怪
to set about着手,开始
to speculate about推测……
to keep abreast of与……并进,不落后于
to approve of赞成
to be apprehensive of担心,害怕
to be chary of不轻易;对……有戒心
to be on the point of正要……
to be terrified of对……感到惊恐
to make acquaintance of熟悉
to make alegend of神化了……
to make apretence of假装……
to make areading of做……的解读
to make arecognition of识别……
to make asuccess of在……取得成功
to make no secret of把……公开,不隐瞒……
to disapprove of不赞成……
to take the liberty of冒昧,擅自
to deprive someone of剥夺某人
to show no sign of没有现出……迹象
to fight shy of回避,避免
to have adread of害怕
to have enough of无法容忍,厌烦
to make ahabit of使……形成种习惯
to suspect someone of疑心某人,怀疑某人
the anxiety of对……的担心
the drawback of做……的障碍
the insinuation of做……的暗示
the likelihood of做……的可能性
the object of做……的目标
the pain of做……的痛苦
the probability of做……的可能性
the prospect of做……的前景
the worry of对……的担心
to stand achance of有……的希望
to fall short of不足,缺乏,达不到,不符合
to abstain from避免,放弃
to ban someone from禁止某人做……
to be far from一点也不,远没有
to deduce something from从……中推断出……
to defend someone from保护某人使免于
to desist from停止做……
to defer someone from制止某人做……
to discourage someone from劝某人勿做……
to dissuade someone from劝某人勿做……
to draw an inference from根据……推论
to draw back from从……后退,终止做……
to exempt someone from豁免某人做……
to flinch from从……退缩
to hinder someone from阻止某人做……
to infer something from从……推知某事
to prohibit someone from阻止某人做……
to protect someone from保护某人做……
to refrain from抑制,忍住,不让自己做……
to rescue someone from把某人从……中救出
to restrain someone from限制某人做……
to save someone from从……中救出某人
to shrink from畏缩不做……,从……退缩
to turn someone aside from使……暂时搁下
to beguile someone into哄骗某人做……
to blackmail someone into敲诈某人做……
to bully someone into威胁某人做……
to coerce someone into胁迫某人做……
to force someone into强迫某人做……
to persuade someone into说服某人做……
to tempt someone into引诱某人做……
to trick someone into引诱某人做……
to be betrayed into受诱骗而……
to browbeat someone into威逼某人……
to cajole someone into哄骗某人……
to delude someone into欺骗某人……
to inveigle someone into诱骗某人……
to lure someone into诱惑某人……
to mislead someone into误导某人……
to shame someone into使某人感觉羞愧而……
to talk someone into说服某人……
to terrify someone into威胁某人……
to wheedle someone into用甜言蜜语哄骗……
in doing sth.
there is no harm in做……是没有害处的
there is no merit in做……是没有价值的
there is some satisfaction in做……是能得到一点满足的
to be adsorbed in全神贯注……
to be diligent in勤勤恳恳地……,勤奋地……
to be dignified in在……有威严
to be engrossed in热心于,专心于
to be instrumental in有助于……
to have trouble in麻烦做……
to have difficulty in有困难做……
to have problems in有问题做……
to have hard times in做……很艰难
to persevere in坚持不懈地做……
to succeed in成功地做……
to take pleasure in以做……为乐
to take pride in以……为傲
to be indefatigable in在……孜孜不倦
to delight in乐于……,爱好……
to make headway in在……取得进展
to take the initiative in带头……,采取主动
to be inferior in缺乏……
to back sb.on在……支持某人
to be bent on决心,一心想
to be keen on爱好,渴望
to compliment someone on夸奖某人
to condole with someone on慰问某人
to count on指望,依赖
to embark on从事,着手
to gamble on心存侥幸地指望,碰运气去做
to theorize on空谈……,论说……
to moralize on就……说教
to be intent on专心致志,一心一意要
to calculate on指望,期待
to set one’s heart on下决心做
to reckon on设想,指望
to harp on反复地讲
to account for说明……的原因
to answer for因……而受责备
to be celebrated for因……而驰名
to be in the mood for有……的兴致,想做……
to be renowned for以……而著名
to claim damages for因……要求赔偿
to compensate for赔偿,补偿因……造成的损失
to expiate for赎(罪),抵偿
to forgive someone for原谅某人
to get one’s revenge on someone for因……而向某人报仇
to give someone credit for把……归功于某人,因……赞扬某人
to have agift for对……有天赋
to justify oneself for证明自己做……是正当的
to make allowances for考虑到,体谅
to atone for赎罪,弥补过失
to be notorious for因……臭名昭著
to be responsible for对……负责,是造成……的原因
to blame someone for因……责备某人
to chide someone for因……责骂某人
to commend someone for因……赞扬某人
to condemn someone for谴责某人
to despise someone for因……轻视某人
to have aflair for对……有天赋,对……有鉴赏力
to have atalent for对……有天资,有……的才能
to have someone up for以……控告某人
to let oneself in for因……招致灾难
to make up for弥补,补偿
to pardon someone for原谅某人
to reprimand someone for因……斥责某人
to reward someone for因……报……答某人,因……奖赏某人
to stand for主张,支持
to take revenge on someone for因……向某人报仇,为……报复某人
to make reparation for对……做出赔偿
to pay for为……付钱,为……付出代价
to prosecute someone for控告某人,为……对某人提出起诉
to rebuke someone for因……谴责某人
to reproach someone for因……指责某人
to tell someone off for因……数落某人(责备某人)
to take someone to task for因……申诉某人
to scold someone for因……责骂某人
to be bored with对……厌烦
to be entrusted with受人委托……
to be preoccupied with为……出神,醉心于……
to content oneself with满足于……,对……
to cope with与……竞争,应付
not to hold with不赞成……
to be fed up with腻烦……,讨厌……
to credit someone with认为某人能够……
to have an obsession with为……迷住,迷恋……
to be obsessed with被……缠住,迷住
to be laden with载满,充满……
to accord with与……一致,与……相符合
to be in line with与……同步
to sympathize with同意,同感
to interfere with干涉,干扰
to be apt at善于……,巧于……
to be dismayed at对……感到沮丧
to be expert at擅长……
to be impressed at对……印象深刻,为……感动
to frown at不赞成……
to try one’s hand at尝试着做
to be plunged into despair at对……陷入绝望
to draw the line at不让自己做……,拒绝做
to have ago at试做……,尝试着、
to smile at对……微笑
to work at从事于……,致力于
to mock at嘲笑……
that is not obstacle to这毫不妨碍
there is more to除了……还要……
to adjust oneself to使自己适应于……
to amount to意味着……,等于……
to attend to专心于……,注意……
to be committed to承诺……,许下诺言……
to be opposed to反对……
to be tantamount to等于,相当于……
to bear witness to证明……,为……作证
to certify to证明……
to come around to恢复知觉,回来
to conform to符合,遵照
the evidence points to证据表明……
to refer to涉及……,提到……
to adapt oneself to使自己适应……
to resort to采用……,诉诸……,求助于……
to allude to(间接地)提到……
to apply oneself to致力于……
to attach importance to重视……
to attribute something to把某事归因于……
to be addicted to嗜爱……,沉溺于……
to be adverse to讨厌……,不喜欢……
to be conducive to有益于……,有助于……
to be given to极喜爱……,热衷于……
to be reduced to被弄得……,被沦为……
to bring someone round to说服某人
to confess to承认……,供认……
to be indispensable to对……是必需的
to be open to开放
to contribute to有助于,促成……
to descend to堕落到……,沦落到……
to give one’s life to为……而捐躯,为……而献出自己的生命
to lay oneself open to使自己容易招致……
to make allusion to提及……,暗指…
to object to反对……
to plead guilty to承认犯了……的罪
to react to对……作出反应
to stoop to堕落到……,把身份降低到……
to take exception to反对……,对……表示异议
to take to开始从事……,养成……
to confine oneself to把自己的活动限制在……
to dedicate oneself to献身于……,致力于……
to devote oneself to致力于……,献身于……
to get acclimatized to逐渐适应于……
to give alittle thought to对……稍加考虑
to limit oneself to把自己局限于……
to make reference to提及……,涉及……
to reconcile oneself to甘心于……,安于……
to resign oneself to听任……,屈从于……
to see to照料……,注意……,负责……
to settle down to安下心来……,专心致志……
to submit to屈服于……,忍受……
to swear to发誓肯定……,十分肯定……
to testify to证实……,证明……
to turn to着手……
to tend to注意……,趋向……
to yield to屈服……,让步……
to subject...to...使屈从于……,使隶属……
1.We expect Mr.White will____Class One when Miss Jane retires.(北京航空航天大学2014年真题)
A.take over
B.take up
C.take off
D.take to
2.The Brownings have not____yet and Idoubt whether they will come.(北京航空航天大学2014年真题)
A.turned in
B.turned out
C.turned up
D.turned to
3.If you____the bottle and cigarettes,you’ll be much healthier.(北京航空航天大学2012年真题)
A.take off
B.keep off
C.get off
D.set off
4.David likes country life and has decided to______farming.(北京航空航天大学2013年真题)
A.go back on
B.go in for
C.go through with
D.go along with
5.Jack was about to announce our plan but I____.(北京航空航天大学2013年真题)
A.cut him short
B.turned him out
C.gave him up
D.put him through
6.We’ve____salt.Ask Mrs.Jones to lend us some.(北京航空航天大学2012年真题)
A.run away with
B.run over
C.run off
D.ran out of
7.He was always ill for atime,but be managed to____.(北京航空航天大学2012年真题)
A.pull on
B.pull in
C.pull up
D.pull through
8.The actors have to____before they appear in front of the strong lights on television.(北京航空航天大学2012年真题)
A.cover up
B.make up
C.paint up
D.do up
9.Would you please____these books to your classmates?(北京航空航天大学2012年真题)
A.hand out
B.hand down
C.hand in
D.hand over
10.While we are young,we are continually____new ideas,altering our thought patterns,making up our minds afresh.(北京航空航天大学2012年真题)
A.taking to
B.taking on
C.taking in
D.taking out
11.The chimney is no longer____volumes of waste gas into atmosphere,as protective filters are being used.(北京航空航天大学2012年真题)
A.giving away
B.giving off
C.giving in
D.giving up
12.This course is designed to help children____such real life situations as separation and loss.(北京航空航天大学2012年真题)
A.cope with
B.settle down
C.intervene in
D.interfere with
13.Oil companies in the U.S.are already beginning to feel the pressure.Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being____.(北京交通大学2014年真题)
A.laid out B.laid off C.laid downD.laid aside
14.All these can be bogged____to this factor.(北京交通大学2012年真题)
15.Why did you go______on your word?You need to keep your promise.(北京交通大学2012年真题)
16.Our company starts to scale____its business and market activities.(北京交通大学2012年真题)
A.back on
B.down to
C.up to
D.back with
17.There is talk of the government____a new tax relief scheme for families with more than three children.(北京科技大学2013年真题)
A.bringing in
B.bringing off
C.bringing about
D.bringing on
18.The mother said she would____her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.(北京科技大学2012年真题)
A.let down
B.let alone
C.let off
D.let out
19.My favorite radio song is the one Ifirst heard on a1923Edison disc I____at agarage sale.(北京科技大学2012年真题)
A.trifled with
B.scraped through
C.stumbled upon
D.thirsted for
20.Virtually every theory has been____either the structure or the function of the language.(中山大学2013年真题)
A.concerned to
B.concerned for
C.concerned about
D.concerned with
21.Do not be____by what he has said this time.(中山大学2013年真题)
A.taken in
B.taken over
C.taken after
D.taken on
22.We looked for atable to sit down,but they were all____.(中山大学2012年真题)
A.reserved for
B.engaged for
C.used up
D.taken up
23.Sales usually go up in the stores during December,but____again after Christmas.(中山大学2012年真题)
A.drop off
B.drop out
C.drop by
D.drop down
24.The detective and his assistant have begun to____the mysterious murder.(中山大学2012年真题)
A.look into
B.see to
C.make over
D.come through
25.Being wronged,the little girl tried to____her tears at first,but on seeing her mother,she burst out crying.(中山大学2012年真题)
A.keep away
B.keep to
C.keep up
D.keep back
26.When she saw how frightened he was at his mistake,her anger began to____.(中山大学2012年真题)
A.fade away
B.die away
C.fall down
D.die down
27.His dog was____by atruck last night and died immediately.(中山大学2012年真题)
A.run into
B.run over
C.run out
D.run through
28.The Christmas presents were all____in shiny paper.(中山大学2012年真题)
A.done over
B.done with
C.done out
D.done up
29.The terrorists might have planted abomb on aplane in Athens,set to____when it arrived in New York.(对外经贸大学2011年真题)
A.go off
B.get off
C.come off
D.carry off
1.take over“接管,接收”;take up“开始从事;占据(时间,地方)”;take off“起飞;脱下”;take to“喜欢”。根据句意,答案为A。
2.turn in“交上”;turn out“结果证明是”;turn up“露面,出现”;turn to“转向;求助于”;根据句意答案选C.
3.take off“起飞;脱下”;keep off“让开,不接近”;get off“动身,免于受罚”;set off“使爆炸;动身出发”根据句意,答案选B。
4.go back on“违背;背弃”;go in for“从事;追求”;go through with“完成,实行;
把……进行到底”;go along with“赞同;陪……一起去”。根据题意答案选B。
5.cut sb.short“打断,打断别人谈话”;turn sb.out“驱逐;解雇”;give sb.up“对……没有希望;不与……来往”;put sb.through“为某人接通电话;使某人经历”。根据句意答案选A。
6.run away with“轻易获得”;run over“碾过”;run off“逃跑”;run out of“用完”。根据句意答案选D。
7.pull on“穿;戴;继续拉”;pull in“进站;吸入”;pull up“停下来;阻止”;pull through
8.cover up“掩盖,盖住”;make up“化妆;编造”;paint up“用涂料修饰”;do up“整理;刷新;修缮;使筋疲力尽”。根据题意答案选B.
9.hand out“分发”;hand down“把……传下去”;hand in“交上;提交”;hand over“交出;移交”。根据句意答案选A。
10.take to“喜欢”;take on“呈现;具有”;take in“接受;吸收”;take out“取出”。根据句意答案选B。
11.give away“泄露”;give off“排放”;give in“屈服”;give up“放弃”。根据句意答案选B。
12.cope with“处理,应付”;settle down“定居;安定下来”;intervene in“干预;插手”;interfere with“干扰,干涉”。根据句意答案选A。
13.lay out“安排”;lay off“解雇”;lay down“放下”;lay aside“搁置”。根据句意答案选B。
14.bogged up“弄糟”;bogged down“陷入泥沼”;根据句意答案选B。
15.go back on“违背,背弃”;根据句意答案选A。
16.scale back on“缩小”;scale down to“按比例减少到;按比例缩小到”;scale up to“按比例放大到;按比例增加到”。根据句意答案选A。
17.bring in“推行”;bring off“完成;救出;成功的做某事”;bring about“引起”;bring on
18.let down“使失望”;let alone“更不必说”;let off“准许……暂停工作”;let out“泄露”。根据句意答案选C。
19.trifle with“心不在焉地做”;scrape through“东拼西凑”;stumble upon“偶然发现”;thirst for“渴望”。根据句意答案选C。
20.be concerned to do sth.“认为(做某事)重要”;be concerned for“关心”;be concerned about“关心;担忧”;be concerned with“关心;与……有关”。根据句意答案选D。
21.take in“欺骗”;take over“接管”;take after“照顾”;take on“呈现”。根据句意答案选A。
22.be reserved for“留作,为…而保留”;be engaged for“被雇佣(多长时间)”;be used up“用完了的”;take up“占据(时间或空间)”。根据句意答案选D。
23.drop off“减少”;drop out“退学”;drop by“顺便拜访”;drop down“落下”。根据句意答案选D。
24.look into“调查”;see to“负责;照料”;make over“转交;移交”;come through“安然度过;获得成功”。根据句意答案选A。
25.keep away“防范;不接近”;keep to“固守(习惯)”;keep up“保持;继续”;keep back“抑制”。根据句意答案选D。
26.fade away“(记忆)逐渐消失”;die away“(情绪)逐渐平息”;fall down“倒坍”;die down“(多年生植物过冬时)假死”。根据句意答案选B。
27.run into“撞上”;run over“碾压”;run out“用完;耗尽”;run through“浏览;刺”。根据句意答案选B。
28.do over“重做;粉刷”;do with“处理”;do out“打扫;收拾”;do up sth.“包/捆起来”,根据句意答案选D。
29.go off“爆炸”;get off“下车”;come off“举行,成功”;carry off“成功的处理”。根据句意答案选A。
ahead of比……提前,比……早in lieu of代,代替
at loggerheads with与……意见不合,争论in light of按照,根据
at odds with与……争执,意见不一致in line with符合
apart from除……外,除……外还in place of代替
as for至于,关于in quest of为了探索……,为了寻求……
as to至于,关于in reference to关于
aside from除……之外in regard to关于
at the behest of在……命令下in relation to关于,涉及,与……相比
at the expense of由……付费,以……为代价
in return for作为……的报答
at the hands of由某人或通过某人的机构完成
in safe hands with安然无恙
at the mercy of受……支配in search of寻找
at the risk of冒……之危险in spite of尽管
at the root of……的核心;……的实质in step with与……保持一致
at the top of在最高地位,在首位in touch with同……有联系
at variance with和……不符in terms of依照
but for若不是,倘没有in the absence of缺乏,不存在
by dint of借助,用in the course of在……期间
by force of由于,通过,以……手段in the event of万一,如果……
by means of借助于in(the)face of面对……
by reason of由于in the interest of为了……的利益
by virtue of由于,因为in the name of以……的名义,凭
by way of通过……的方法in the process of在……的过程中
due to由于,因为in view of考虑到,由于
except for除……以外,要不是由于next to贴近
far from远离notwithstanding虽然,尽管
for fear of由于害怕;以免on account of为了……的缘故
for lack of因缺乏on behalf of代表……,为了……的利益
for the benefit of为了……的利益on pain of违者以……论处
for the purpose of为了……on the eve of在……的前夜
for the sake of由于,为了;为了……的利益
on the grounds of根据,以……为理由for want of因缺乏
on the part of就某人而言;某人有责任的
in aid of用以援助……on the score of因为,为了……理由
in accordance with与……一致,按照on the strength of居于,根据,凭借
in back of在……后面on top of熟练掌握,在……之上
in case of以防,万一regardless of不管,不顾
in comparison with与……比较under the aegis of在……的庇护下
in compliance with顺从under the auspices of由……赞助或主办
in conformity with和……相适应
with aview to着眼于,以……为目的,考虑到
in consequence of由于with effect from自……起开始实施
in contact with与……联系with respect to关于,至于
in exchange for交换,以此易彼with the exception of除……以外
in favor of为……而征战,参加支持……的活动
in league with和……联合着
1.We can make an exception____.(北京航空航天大学2014年真题)
A.in any case of John
B.in case of John
C.in case of John’s
D.in the case of John
2.The prices of TV sets are about20%____.The manufacturers are almost selling their products____cost.(北京航空航天大学2014年真题)
3.Sometimes patients suffering from severe pain can be helped by“drugs”that aren’t really drags at all____sugar pills that contain no active chemical elements.(北京航空航天大学2013年真题)
A.or rather
B.rather than
C.but rather
D.other than
4.Many of the scientists and engineers are judged____how great their achievements are.(北京航空航天大学2013年真题)
A.in spite of
B.in ways of
C.in favor of
D.in terms of
5.At three o’clock____a cold morning,he arrived here.(北京航空航天大学2010年真题)
6.____the fact that science plays an essential role in the advance of human solely,most scientists are not accorded with corresponding prestige.(北京交通大学2012年真题)
B.In the face of
C.In view of
D.With respect of
7.His curt remarks are obviously____,and the audience feels embarrassed.(北京交通大学2012年真题)
A.out of place
B.out of situation
C.in place
D.out of occurrence
8.He wanted to find the information____the stockholders of the company.(中国海洋大学2013年真题)
A.with regard to
B.thanks to
C.by means of
D.because of
9.The wealth of acountry should be measured____the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.(中国海洋大学2012年真题)
A.in line with
B.in terms of
C.in regard with
D.by means of
10.____his knowledge and academic background,he is basically stupid.(中山大学2013年真题)
A.But for
B.According to
C.For all
D.Thanks to
1.in case of“万一;如果发生”;in the case of“至于;就”。根据句意答案选D。
2....off:“减价……”。例如:20percent off all jackets this Saturday.这个星期六所有上衣减价20%。Take$5off the regular price of any membership.从会员正价中减$5。at cost“按成本;照原价”。根据句意答案选A。
3.or rather“更精确地说,倒不如说”;rather than“而不是”;(not...)but rather“(不是……)而是”;other than“除了;不同于”。根据句意答案选C。
4.in spite of“尽管,虽然”,后面接名词:in spite of sth.或者in spite of the fact that+句
子;in favor of“有利于;支持;赞成”;in terms of“根据,按照”。根据句意答案选D。
6.notwithstanding“尽管,虽然”;in the face of“面对”;in view of“鉴于”;with respect of“关于”。根据句意答案选A。
7.out of place“不合适;不得体”in place“适合的,得体的”;根据句意答案选A。
8.with regard to“关于;至于”by means of“用,依靠”。根据句意答案选A。
9.in line with“符合,与……一致”;in terms of“在……方面,按照”;in regard to“关于”;by means of“凭借”。根据句意答案选B。
10.but for“如果没有”;for all“尽管;虽然”。根据句意答案选A。