Research Methodology
Abstract:The paper evaluates some research methods commonly used in a research project.
Key words:case study; participant observation; interviews
1 Case study
It seems that more and more researchers have chosen to use case study in their projects. Cohen and Manion describe the case study as:
Unlike the experimenter who manipulates variables to determine their causal significance or the surveyor who asks standardized questions of large, representative samples of individuals, the case study researcher typically observes the characteristics of an individual unit—a child, a clique, a case, a school or a community, the purpose of such observation is to probe deeply and to analyze intensively the multifarious phenomena that constitute the life cycle of the unit with a view to establishing generalizations about the wider population to which that unit belongs.[1]
Sturman evaluates the case study thus:
“Case study”is a generic term for the investigation of an individual,group or phenomenon. While the techniques used in the investigation may be varied, and may include both qualitative and quantitative approaches, the distinguishing feature of case study is the belief that human systems develop a characteristic wholeness or integrity and are not simply a loose collection of traits. As a consequence of this belief, case study researchers hold that to understand a case, to explain why things happen as they do, and to generalize or predict from a single example requires an indepth investigation of the interdependencies of parts and of the patterns that emerge.[1]
Denscombe argues that case study can fit in well with the needs of small-scale research through concentrating effort on one research site.[2]It allows the researcher to deal with the subtleties and intricacies of a complex social situation.
2 Participant observation
In order to explore the variety and range of views, practices and beliefs, observational method was taken as the first step to collect the data.
Bassey describes the qualities of the participant observation as follows:
Helpfulness and disclosure from individual or members of a group or institution—indispensable qualities—are going to depend on the building up of confidence in you as a person:that you are reasonable, straightforward, and sympathetic to their endeavors. People will disclose a great deal if they feel they trust you.[1]
3 Interviews
Interviewing is a main method to collect data in qualitative research. According to Powney & Watts'views, one-to-one interviews are easier to manage; issues can be kept relatively confidential and analysis is more straightforward in that only one's person's set of responses are gathered at any one time.[3]Similarly, Gillham compares two research methods, interview and questionnaire as questionnaire data are necessarily thin and do not help you to understand or explore answers.[4] The overpoweringly positive feature of the interview is the richness and vividness of the material it turns up. Some other researchers, such as Denscombe and Drever suggest the interview is an efficient method.[2][5]
[1] BASSEY M. Case study research in educational settings[M]. Buckingham:Open University Press,1999.
[2] DENSCOMBE M. The good research guide[M]. Buckingham:Open University Press,1998.
[3] GILLHAM B. The research interview[M]. London:Continuum,2000.
[4] GILLHAM B. Case study:Research method[M]. London:Continuum,2000.
[5] DREVER E. Using semi-structured interviews in small-scale research:A Teacher's guide[M]. Edinburgh:Scottish Council for Research in Education,1995.