“This book is too good not to be true. It renews your energy for working and living. For anyone who feels harried, WORKING AT WARP SPEED is an oasis. Stop. Read. Drink.”
—Tom Brown, Management General
“A real breakthrough and outstanding introduction to concepts that would otherwise remain hidden in the course of everyday work.”
—Colin Clover, manager of technical operations, Apple Computer
“Successful book publishing requires relentless efficiency to manage limited resources, talent, and time. The toughest part is getting everyone on the team on the same page and marching in the same direction. This book shows you how. I wish it had been available thirty years ago.”
—Dan Poynter, The Self-Publishing Manual
“Everyone who must depend upon others to deliver results by a deadline should read this book. Project management is people management, and here are the rules that make it work.”
—Donald M. Dible, cofounder, ProjectWorld
“By sharing the rules of warp speed with a team leader whose team was in full rebellion, I was able to help her quickly grasp the adjustments in her perspective and behavior that made the difference between success and either her dismissal or her team’s defection.”
—Ira Chaleff, president, Executive Associates
“Barry did an excellent job of putting a fire in me. I can’t wait to get back to work and start using these new ideas and techniques.”
—Conrad Canderle, SiRF Technology, Inc.
“Over the course of three and one-half years this program has successfully enabled us to blend the demands of those committed to unfettered creative flare and flexibility with those demanding systematic accountability for results. It has helped us maintain momentum, schedules, and—in this incredibly fast paced business—sanity!”
—Jerry Hunt, organization development manager, HAL Computer Systems
“I loved what I read and felt changed by it in a significant way.”
—Cindy Flaherty, project manager
“Thanks, Barry! Great class. It should be mandated to all Apple employees so everyone works on the same level.”
—Deb Pevarnick-Whitney, Apple Computer
“This is the best-written manuscript I have reviewed. From the very first words, Barry Flicker pulls me in with his concise language, rich insights, and passionate tone. It is a thrill to see such good writing. Over and over again I’d underline an especially insightful thought, then laughed with delight when I turned the page and found it highlighted.”
—Kathleen Epperson, organization effectiveness consultant
“I felt the manuscript was exceptional. Its readability and organization were excellent. My own professional interest is in virtual organizations and I found the problems encountered by the team to be very realistic and the analysis of these problems to be accurate.”
—Linda Peters, University of Massachusetts
“Very well done! I can take a LOT out of this. Instructor’s knowledge of subject matter is guru status.”
—Scott Kowaleski, Xilinx, Inc.
“This book is filled with commonsense approaches to improve teamwork and work relationships. I can definitely see using this material in working with clients, or within my own work with nonprofit organizations.”
—Claire Taylor, director, Executive Search Services, The Management Center, San Francisco