First, I want you to know that I take your commitment to reading this book very seriously. I know the impact that adhering to the principles in this book can make in your life, so I’m going to ask you to do three things as you read.
1. Take notes. Write down or highlight everything that resonates with you.
2. When you have finished the book, take the next thirty-six hours to review, ponder, and consider the notes you’ve taken. Just think about them.
3. Within forty-eight hours of finishing this book, teach what you have learned to one other person. This can be a spouse, friend, neighbor, associate, teenager, or someone on the bus.
If you’ll do these three things, I will guarantee that you will see a marked and measurable change in how you make personal and professional decisions. Now, that’s a big promise to make before you’ve read anything, but I’ve had the opportunity to share this with a lot of people around the world. I’m very confident about what this book can accomplish if you’ll do those three things. Do we have a deal? Then read on.