To : Anyone Who Works
From: Bev and Sharon
Do you ever think work would be great if only:
you had more career choices?
you had more time with your family?
you were paid more?
you didn't work with a jerk?
you weren't so bored?
you had unlimited access to chocolate?
Do you ever think the grass must be greener somewhere else? Well, you're not alone.
Too many people leave their jobs because something is wrong, or something is missing. They leave physically, by walking out the door. Or, they leave psychologically, by withdrawing their energy and commitment but staying put. And later, many regret their departures (of both kinds).
What if there were another option? What if it were possible to achieve or regain love for your work? (And we do mean love, not just like.) What if your work were something you looked forward to each day? What if it tapped your enthusiasm? Used your creativity? Made you feel appreciated? (Are you thinking, "Fat chance?") But, really, what if work could truly deliver the goods? We think it can.
Workplace satisfaction is a two-way street. Yes, it demands effort from your manager and from the leaders of your organization. (We wrote our previous books based on that premise.) But it also demands initiative and effort from you.
We believe, quite passionately, that positive change is not only possible but well worth your effort. We feel certain that with a few well-chosen steps, you can get more of what you want, right where you are.
We asked over fifteen thousand people why they stayed in their organizations. The top five stay factors across all industries were:
exciting, challenging work;
a chance to learn and grow;
great people to work with;
fair pay; and
a great boss.
Which of those factors matters most to you? Which would you like a little more of? We hope this book will make "getting it" a little easier.
We've based the hints, tips, and tools you'll find throughout the book on our research and our interactions with thousands of working people worldwide. You'll also find five key messages woven throughout the chapters:
What you want could be found right where you are. Perhaps all you need to do is get clear about what's missing and go after it. Look inside before you jump outside. Master the art and science of asking for what you want.
You're in charge. You are ultimately responsible for your own workplace satisfaction. Don't expect your manager to be a mind reader or your organization to be solely responsible for your happiness. Others do have a role to play. But the bottom line is, you're in control, and it's up to you to fix what's wrong or find what's missing.
There are (at least) twenty-six ways to take the initiative. Of course, there are different strokes for different folks. That's why we've identified dozens of potential action steps. We've arranged them alphabetically, all for your consideration.
Don't wait. That "lovin' feeling" may not find you. You may have to find it! Instead of "settling" for work that doesn't work for you, take steps now to improve it. Don't wait for someone else to take the first step.
Double-check those greener pastures. To o often we leave for greener pastures elsewhere only to find Astroturf. The new workplace may have the same, or different (sometimes even worse), challenges, frustrations, and disappointments. Check it out before you decide to go.
Here's what we'll deliver in return for your time and attention:
Actions: We've amassed tips, tools, and hints and organized them into easy-to-access chapters. We suggest you read the "Ask" and "Buck" chapters first. Then move to the others that capture your interest. And if you've read them all, have tried the ideas they suggest, and still feel you can't get what you want, reread the last chapter to ensure your next choice is the right choice.
Stories: Countless people we surveyed, worked with, talked with, or coached gave us these ideas. We heard success stories, "I messed this up" stories, and "I wish I had" stories. Find the ones that might help solve your dilemma or provoke your own creative thinking.
T-shirt truth: Ever read the message on someone's T shirt and say to yourself, "Boy, ain't that the truth?" Well, we do this all the time, and we've collected some for this book. We searched closets, memories, airports, bars, beaches, and barbeques. We narrowed it down to twenty-six that make our points.
Seen on the Riverwalk in Spokane, WA.
Think of this book as a maintenance manual for working adults seeking to tune up a significant portion of their waking lives. We invite you to return to it again and again. Dog-ear the corners; highlight the ideas that hit home. We wrote it because we truly believe you can get more of what you want right where you are.
P.S. And we'd love to hear how it turns out. Send your stories to www.loveitdontleaveit.com.