We are deeply indebted to Peter Block for his inspiration and helping us see the true nature of our mission. We likewise are grateful to him for blessing our book with a foreword so befitting our subject. Special thanks also goes to his very able assistant, Maggie Rogers. In the same vein, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Steven Piersanti, President of Berrett-Koehler Publishers, for his confidence in us, caring personal support, patience, and invaluable suggestions through the writing process.
The writing, reviewing, and rewriting process was far more laborious than we had bargained for, but the generous contribution of others enabled us to persevere. In particular, thanks goes to Amy Gambrell for her skillful editorial assistance throughout the process. We are equally grateful to copy editor Pat Brewer and book producer Detta Penna for their high-quality workmanship, to Elizabeth Swenson for helping us get the right cover, and to so many others at Berrett-Koehler who graciously lent their talents and support. For their diligent assistance in tackling the research, we thank Laura Coens, Thomas M. Coens, Mollie Hunter, and Julia Kooistra. For their many helpful ideas and suggestions in writing and revising the book, we thank Diane Biondi Mukkala, Roger Brice, Eric Budd, Cathie Coens, Joe Farinella, Bob Jenkins, Alfie Kohn, Jim Link, Timothy Schwalm, John Victory, and the talented team of external reviewers retained by Berrett-Koehler.
In writing this book over the past three years, we have received invaluable information and assistance from countless individuals and organizations from around the world. We cannot name them all, but we convey our gratitude to every individual identified in the case studies and stories for their invaluable time and assistance. We likewise thank others who indirectly contributed to the content in significant ways, including Dr. Michael Beer, LuAnn Berry, Kim Bordenkircher, David C. Boyer, Teresa Chappell, Monica Dugan, Joan Holda, David Purcell, and Robert Rodin. In various endnotes, we acknowledge others to whom we are grateful.
Special Acknowledgments from Tom Coens
My life has been a continual blessing of wonderful people who have inspired and enlightened me. Whatever contribution this book may bring is in many ways attributable to them. Though their number is legion, a few played critical roles at pivotal stages of my growth, including Sister Mary Frederick, C.S.J., Prof. Robert McCluggage, Don Heine, Dan New, Phil Granquist, Dr. Arthur Dobbelaere, Ed Graney, Prof. Gerald Berendt, Roger Brice, Dr. Michael Moore, Wayne Harrison, Scottie and Terrill Putman, and Pam Bergeron.
My friend, life companion, and devoted wife, Cathie, has been a pillar of support throughout the arduous years of writing this book. I cannot express in words the extent of my profound gratitude for her loving ways in providing moral and logistical support. The unwavering support of my children Laura and Ben, Allison and Bill, Tommy and Laura, and Katie have touched my heart. In the same light, I thank my parents, Ann, my brothers and sisters, and my wife’s family. Thanks, too, to my secretary Deanna Kingman for keeping me in some semblance of sanity.
Special Acknowledgments from Mary Jenkins
So many have contributed to my professional growth, generously sharing their knowledge and stimulating my thinking. My passion and undeterred resolve to challenge the status quo, no doubt, evolved from working with colleagues who gave me space and refrained from trying to impose upon me their own view of the world. Much of this repartee took place at General Motors Corporation, and in particular, at the Powertrain division with its great group of people and a courageous leadership team.
No one has contributed to my professional development more than W. Edwards Deming. It was Dr. Deming who encouraged me to examine my thinking, and personally started me down an irreversible path of personal transformation. I will remain forever grateful.
Finally, and most importantly, I am profoundly grateful to my parents, who always encouraged me to openly express my ideas, and to my husband, Bob, and daughter, Katie, who have taught me more about love, support, encouragement, and teamwork than I ever could have learned on my own. Together, they are my constant source of inspiration.