Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.
—Dr. Seuss
Tell me about yourself
An overwhelming command, posing as a casual question—one we hear almost every day, though varying in its phrasing.
“What do you do?” asks a newcomer to your social circle.
“I’d love to hear more about your work,” says a networking stranger.
“So, what can you do for us?” queries your next potential client.
“Tell me about yourself,” insists your next new boss.
In any number of settings, we’re frequently required to discuss ourselves, to share who we are and what we contribute to the world. Unfortunately, in most circumstances—especially, when we have just a moment’s notice to respond—it can be challenging to pull all the pieces of ourselves together, conveying the perfect response, while forging a bond, sparking an idea, or advancing into deeper, more meaningful conversation.
This book is an action guide for success in all of those curious conversational moments. In it, you’ll find the skills needed to accurately and artfully define yourself, as well as merge and amplify the arcs of your personal and professional journeys.
Tell Me About Yourself will challenge you to rethink the story you have been telling yourself about yourself and provide you with a process for not only crafting new narratives, but sharing them with authenticity, compassion, and finesse.
Enjoy the TMAY process. Share it with friends.
Here’s to owning your voice.
Founder and CEO
Oratory Glory
PS: We’d love to hear how the action guide is working for you. Share your progress and video intros on Face-book, Instagram, or Twitter (@OratoryGlory). And don’t hesitate to reach out to us with your questions, breakthroughs, and feedback (hello@oratoryglory.com).