Dialogue 对话 Stephanie Lo 罗宝瑜
“First and foremost, XINTIANDI is a meeting place. It's about people.
Stephanie Lo is an Executive Director of Shui On Land and the Vice Chairman of China Xintiandi. She is responsible for the development of the company's commercial strategy and project positioning.
What is XINTIANDI in your eyes?
First and foremost, XINTIANDI is a meeting place. Twenty years ago there wasn't one single destination in Shanghai where you felt like you could enjoy going out. XINTIANDI truly discerned the future of urban development and our approach of the place-making practices in China has become exemplary ever since. So, fast forward to today, with many major changes in consumer habits and online and offline retail landscape, we see a strong growing demand on social and leisure destinations, especially ones that feel authentic and have cultural relevance. In any district, any city, it's the people that really make it come to life. That's really important for us. By fostering places that are able to encourage people to meet grow and engage where you can find unique cultural content and social experiences that are enriching, XINTIANDI has pushed itself further as a social destination. It's about people connection and more importantly celebrating social narrative and building a community.
Why XINTIANDI's new brand statement 'Social Renaissance' is so important?
You truly know people by looking them in the eyes, it is essential to building trust and relationships that way. 'Social Renaissance' is about encouraging people to make genuine connections and engagements. With many of the needs cannot be fulfilled online, people are looking to spend quality times experiencing different ideas and concepts and building memories together with friends and family. By initiating 'SocialRenaissance' XINTIANDI hope to be able to provide more unique content to our consumer base both online and offline.
Is that where the concept of XINTIANDI's eclectic new space Social House comes in?
Nowadays in terms of choosing what to do with your spare time, there are almost too many options. The most traditional method of hanging out is to have a meal or grab a coffee, but what if you wanted to share a different experience together? That's why we created Social House. The space is divided up into different small zones by travel, design, cooking, music and so on. There's a bookstore flowing throughout entire space and each zone has experience labs where you can go for different programs. It's a great space in which people can socialize or meet in a different context.
How does XINTIANDI differentiate from others?
I think by nature XINTIANDI has always been a social destination, bringing people together in a community, it has never fallen into a traditional retail format. We very much respect and celebrate the local culture and architectural heritage of each city. This informs much of the cultural narrative of each XINTIANDI, exploring what's authentic and unique. We have been an active player in creating vibrant cultural districts by developing not just the hardware, but also the content that fosters community. One other aspect we feel quite unique is that XINTIANDI as a platform has been working with local creatives and designerlabels to celebrate Chinese voices and brands. We firmly believe they will be an important cultural voice both in China and on the world stage in the not too distant future.
Can you tell me how you went about choosing the right brands, designers and restaurateurs to be involved in XINTIANDI?
XINTIANDI was created in China, with a strong Chinese heritage. When people come to Shanghai, they come to XINTIANDI as a destination. Because of that, we thought, “OK, what more can we do with this? Rather than just show-casing our own brand are there more local voices that we can celebrate?” We started this about ten years ago when it was really western brands expanding their massive footprint in China while local brands and designers were really just starting out. Now as China is coming onto the world stage, we are excited to see local talent coming to the fore with their own unique voice. We want XINTIANDI to be a platform for Chinese designers and brands and we are honored to be part of that conversation.
What element of XINTIANDI are you most proud of?
I'm proud of the fact that we are able to be part of Shanghai's story, and we are able to be part of the narrative of the city's growth – we have grown together. I think that's something we're really privileged to be part of, and we have to be respectful of it. I think we'd really like to continue to be an important part of that conversation going forward.
“I am proud of the fact that we are able to be part of the narrative of the city's growth.

Stephanie Lo photographed at Shanghai XINTIANDI.
新天地即将推出的复合型全新空间Social House by XINTIANDI是基于这一理念吗?
现在当大家讨论消费时间和空间的停留,你会发现我们面临着多元选择。当然最典型的聚会方式就是朋友们一起吃个饭或者喝一杯咖啡,但这过程如何交换价值、分享独特体验呢?这是我们呈现Social House的初衷。这是一个集合不同主题区域的复合型新零售社交空间,打造了由旅行、设计、烹饪、音乐、健身等沉浸式社交场景构成的多元商业生态系统,文化与书的元素则会贯穿于整个空间,人们可以在这种独特的复合社交体验中找到自己的社群。