Lesson Fourteen
Key Verbs 关键动词:
contain 包含,含有,收藏有
convince 使确信,说服
cost 价格为,需支付,付出代价
You should be careful,Lidia.If you download a file attached to an email and run it,there might be a chance that the file contains a virus.
——Need I use an anti-virus software to protect my computer?
Okay.I think I've got that,the rules about how our system of government works are all contained in the laws that have been passed by the Parliament.
——Yes,those laws are called Acts of Parliament in England.
An Easter egg?That's very nice.Thank you very much,dear.But why do you Christian people take it as the Easter symbol?
——As it contains a new life.Exchanging and eating Easter eggs is a popular custom in many countries.
You won't believe it.But someone just turned in a briefcase containing a passport and they found it on the 504 bus this morning.
——Well,how about that,Adam?Looks like you've had a lucky day after all.
All I've done is go through the key elements with you,let me explain,the proposal has to convince me that your project is worth while and that you have the necessary skill and ability to carry it through.
——I understand.Maybe you have the ability to do so.
Of course that's true,but in this case we will be trying to convince the magistrate that this student's inability to understand spoken English was the reason why he couldn't answer the customs officer's questions,and we hope that he'll accept this defense.
——But if he were going to stay at university here,wouldn't his English have to be pretty good?
Yes.The common people in the country were afraid of him because he convinced the public he has supernatural powers by his self propaganda.
——Did anyone try to overthrow him when he was in power?
How much does it cost to get to Houston by ship?
——About 30 dollars.If you want to know the exact fares,please ask the booking office.
Yes,I'd like a handbag.What will that brown one cost me?
——The leather handbag is 70 dollars.If you really want it,ma'am,I can give you a 10% discount.
The transmission in your car must be replaced.It'll cost you about 400 dollars,but since your car is still under warranty,you'll have to pay only half.
——Go ahead and do the necessary work.Just do a good job.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
a file attached to an email邮件所附的文件;virus病毒;anti-virus software抗病毒软件;to protect保护;the rules about how our system of government works are all contained in the laws that have been passed by the parliament国会通过的法律包含了政府制度如何运作;Acts of Parliament议会法令;an Easter egg复活蛋;Christian people基督信徒;symbol象征;popular custom流行习俗;to turn in交还,生产;a lucky day幸运的一天;key elements关键的要素;to explain解释;worth while值得做的,很值得;necessary skill and ability to carry it through具有完成这一项目所需的技能和才能;magistrate地方法官;this student's inability to understand spoken English was the reason why he couldn't answer the customs officer's questions这位同学不能回答海关官员的问题在于他的英语口语能力太差;to accept the defence接受这种辩词;the public公众;he has supernatural powers by his self propaganda他自我宣称具有超自然的能力;supernatural超自然的;propaganda宣传;to overthrow推翻;in power掌权,权力在握;Houston休斯敦(美国城市);exact fares确切的资费;booking office售票处;leather handbag真皮手袋;transmission汽车变速器;to replace更换;under warranty三保有效期内
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
有时候,我们会收到一个邮件,那个邮件又包含一个附件(attachment)。当你打开这个附件的时候,你就会发现这个附件包含一个病毒。好在(luckily)我们的电脑都装有防毒软件(anti-virus software),它可以保护我们的计算机。如果这是一个新的病毒,你的防毒软件不能工作,你的计算机就有麻烦。因此,打开一个邮件前,你要确认(to convince)这个邮件从哪里发来的。
我在鞋店里看到一双鞋,我很喜欢这双鞋的款式(style)和颜色。这是一种流行的(popular)款式,而我很爱赶时髦(to follow the fashion)。但是我恐怕那双鞋不是真皮(real leather)制成的(to make of)。鞋店的老板试图让我相信它们是真皮的,他甚至拿出打火机(lighter)来烧(to burn),这真是吓了我一跳。(to frighten)他说,真皮是不怕(to be not afraid of)用火烧(to burn)的。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
Americans often have large social gatherings(社交聚会).You may be asked to bring a dish of food.It is common(普遍)to arrive 10to 15 minutes late and leave half an hour before it is scheduled to end.You should stay at least half an hour.On these occasions(场合)you should talk to one person,then move to talk to another.It is polite(有礼貌)to talk about your work,your country,your trip.Do not ask Americans how old they are,how much money their house or other possessions(所有物)cost or whether they are married.Questions about adults'(成人)age and money are considered rude(粗鲁)and impolite(没礼貌).
The wide spread(扩散)of economic crisis gave people all over the world a sound hit(重击).They have to tighten(收紧)their pocket,cut their budget for fashion clothes and pay attention to the planning of their salary.On the fashion world,this influence is obvious(明显),too.Like recycle trend(循环利用的趋势)in environmental area,a new trend is changing the fashion world(时装界).A piece of clothe that can be worn for a whole year is the hottest thing in this season.It shows a new idea and a new attitude(态度)towards fashion and clothes.Clothes that are able to wear a full year will be a dream for all people.Although those clothes may cost a lot of money,they might even stay with you over a lifetime(终生).