To reduce inequality is one of the Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Social inequality is a global problem and all countries in the world face this challenge. It seems that the global inequality is increasing. Under this condition, to achieve the SDGs, the global communities and all Coun-tries in the world should work together to fight inequality within a coun-try and also between countries. However, there are many different rea-sons to cause inequality and the result of fight inequality is limited, though all countries in the world work so hard on this issue. It's impor-tant to sum up all those good experiences when countries reduce their in-equalities and share them with other countries. As the biggest developing country, China faces the dual tasks: transformation and development. China reduces inequality and controls polarization of rich and poor in its development. Those experiences can be shares with other countries and are helpful to the global sustainable development.
This book consists of three main parts. The first part is the first chapter, in which the challenges of global inequality such as economic inequality, regional imparity and imbalance of opportunity were elabora-ted. The second part consists of three chapters from chapter 2 to chapter 4. In this part, with micro level data of China Family Panel Studies, the micro-basis of China's reducing inequality policies was elaborated and tested. The family sustainability in China was studied in Chapter 2, the balance of opportunity policies in China is studied in chapter 3 and the in-clusive finance in China was studied in chapter 4. The third part is the last chapter, in which the China's experiences were theorized and the application of China's experiences to other countries were illustrated.
In China, inequalities exist not only between different groups, but also between urban and rural areas, between regions. To fight inequalities, China takes actions from institutional reform to spatial optimization. The institutional reform includes actively promoting the reform of the in-come distribution system, speeding up the progress of urbanization, actu-alizing the targeted poverty alleviation, implementing the fiscal and taxa-tion policy in favor of low-income families, having fully the basic edu-cation put into effect, and establishing the social security system and so on. These institutional innovations lay the institutional guarantee for the reduction of social inequality. At the same time, to solve the problem of unbalanced development between regions, the Chinese government has taken actions include the optimization of the spatial distribution of public resources, the implementation of the main functional area planning, the establishment of cross regional coordination mechanism, promoting the flow of production factors, and the spatial optimal allocation of social re-sources. These initiatives provide important supports for the reduction of regional inequality and the sustainable development. Institutional and spa-tial factors are used together to reduce inequalities and to promote sustain-able development in China and it can be named as the“due structure the-ory”. During the process of reducing inequality and promoting global sustainable development, the international communities and the world should take actions from the institutional reform and space optimization. As a result, reducing inequality can provide new impetus to global sus-tainable development.