第二章 独立写作
第1节 独立写作技巧与模板
1 审题
1 写作环节的第一步是审题。这个环节考生只有1分钟,也就是60秒的时间。考生要做到快速反应题目类型,并且正确选择如何解题。如下面的“审题表格概览”所示,考生可以先浏览一下题目类型,本书会在后面进行详细讲解。
2 题目的前后会出现一些套话,例如下划线部分,而真正的题目是中间的文字。为了节省考试时间,下划线部分是不需要读的。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Students should take at least a year to work or travel before beginning college? Use specific reasons and details tosupport your answer.
3 独立写作考试时间为30分钟,需写出350~400字。记住,虽然官方说至少写350字,考生们千万不要误以为就写350字。因为字数少于350字,很难充分展开观点。但是,多于400字又没有足够的时间检查。因此,写350~400字是最优选择。


1 利弊类题目解题思路:同意就说题目的利,不同意就说题目的弊。
◇ 有利于学习知识。
◇ 有利于广交朋友。
◇ 有利于提高社会技能。
2 证明类题目解题思路:给理由证明,不需要探讨利弊。
◇ 亲眼所见是白色。
◇ 朋友也都说是白色。
◇ 油漆桶上写的是白色。
1 Students should take at least a year to work or travel before beginning college.
Agree:谈work or travel的好。
Disagree:谈work or travel的不好。
2 In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea?
▼解题思路: Agree:谈have jobs的好。
Disagree:谈have jobs的不好。
3 Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes.Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with?
Agree:谈attend classes的好。
Disagree:谈attend classes的不好。
4 Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in?
Prefer small town:谈small town的好,或big city的不好。
Prefer big city:谈big city的好,或small town的不好。
5 It is better for children to grow up in a big city than in the countryside.
Agree:谈big city的好,或countryside的不好。
Disagree:谈countryside的好,或big city的不好。
6 You have received a gift of money. The money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry you like or tickets to a concert you want to attend. Which would you buy?
译文:你收到了作为礼物的一笔钱。这些钱足够买一件你喜欢的首饰或者你想要参加的音乐会的门票。你会买哪一个? 【比较类题目】
虽然没有明显的关键词,但我们可以将题目还原。题目完整的问法是:Which would you prefer to buy? 所以,这类题目暗含“prefer”,属于利弊类题目。
Prefer jewelry: 谈jewelry的好,或concert的不好。
Prefer concert: 谈concert的好,或jewelry的不好。
7 During an economic crisis, governments usually reduce spending on certain public services. Which area do you think the governments should reduce spending on?
1. Education
2. Health care
3. Unemployment benefits
1. 教育
2. 医疗
3. 失业救济金【选项类题目】
8 It is not a good thing to move to a new town or country because you will lose contact with your old friends.
9 All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school.
题目中出现“should”属于利弊类题目。同时,出现的“all”属于绝对词。类似的词还有:never, every, best, must, only等。因此,属于利弊绝对词类题目。首先不同意题目,然后采用让步方式反驳绝对词,谈题目的弊是什么。例如:
[1] Admittedly, 学习艺术和音乐挺好的。【先肯定】 However, to say that所有的中学生都应该上艺术课和音乐课is still an overstatement。【反驳绝对词】
[2] 学艺术增加课业压力。【弊】
[3] 学艺术增加家庭负担。【弊】
10 Teachers’ performance should be evaluated by students.
Depend on students’ ages...
From primary to high school students...
For college school students...
1 Playing sports can teach people important lessons about life.
2 People who have learnt many more skills are more likely to succeed than those who focus on learning only one skill.
3 The university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students.Which of the following do you think is the best way?
1. Providing a room for quiet study
2. Building an exercise room
3. Providing entertainment place (watch film)
1. 提供一个安静学习的房间2.设立健身房3.提供娱乐场所(看电影)【选项类题目】
4 The advice from grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world has changed a lot during the past 50 years.
5 Only the movies teaching something about real life are worth watching.
Admittedly, 关于人生的电影是值得看的。
However, to say that只有关于人生的电影才值得看is still an overstatement。
To begin with, 其他某类电影也是值得看的。
Additionally, 还有某类电影也是值得看的。
6 Your job has more effects on your happiness than your social life does.
For working-class employees...
For the great and famous people...

(1) In order to attract good students, universities should spend money on improving social activities.
(2) People should be open to new ideas and thoughts to make them more successful.
(3) The more money people have, the more they should donate to the charity.
(4) The government should support unpractical scientific research.
(5) Students should take three or four courses for each semester or many more courses.
(1) Children should spend most time playing and studying rather than helping their parents with household chores.
(2) Parents should spend more time playing sports or games with their children than helping them with schoolwork.
(3) Children should make their own decision rather by their parents.
(4) Universities should spend money on improving facilities or hiring famous professors.
(5) Some jobs are with high salary but require employees to live far away from their family and friends. Some jobs are with low salary but allow them to live near their family and friends. Which do you prefer and why?
(6) It is better to purchase in large stores than in several small shops that specialize in different items.
(7) Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available on the market, while other people prefer to wait. Which do you prefer?
(8) People should have challenging goals rather than those are safe and practical.
(9) The government rather than individuals should cover the Internet usage fee.
(1) Which class should students take?
1. Cooking
2. Managing personal finances
3. Auto repair
(2) During an economic crisis, the government should reduce spending on which area?
1. Education
2. Health care
3. Unemployment benefits
(3) Which one do you think should be built in your community?
1. Performance art center
2. Hotel
3. Shopping mall
(1) All university students should be required to take basic science course even if it is not the field of their study.
(2) University students should be required to take history course no matter what field they study.
(3) The best leader should spend more time listening to other people’s ideas than taking his/her own ideas.
(1) The government is not educating people enough about the importance of good and healthy lifestyles.
(2) The rules that the whole society today expects young people to follow and obey are too strict.
(3) People spend too much money on their pets even though there can be other good ways to spend money.
(4) When people spend a lot of time watching sports on television or following their favorite team, it has negative effects on their life.
(5) If you and someone have been friends for a long time, you will continue your friendship even if she does something you don’t like.
(6) Playing sports teaches people lessons about life.
(7) Children can benefit in important ways from taking care of animal pets.
(8) It is important to have rules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to wear at work and at school.
(1) Students who keep their rooms neat and organized are more successful than those who do not.
(2) Workers would be much happier if they are doing different types of tasks during their workday.
(3) The opinions of celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, are more important to young people than they are to the elder.
(4) Your job has more effects on your happiness than your social life does.
(5) People living in small villages are more satisfied with their life than those living in cities.
(6) The ability to maintain a small circle of close friends over a long period of time is more important for happiness than the ability to make new friends easily.
(7) To remain happy and optimistic whenever you fail is more important to achieve success.
(8) Modern agriculture damages the environment, but providing food for the growing population around the world is more important than protecting the environment.
(1) Which factor influences your purchasing decision?
1. Friends
2. Media
3. Sales person
(1) The most important goal of education is to help people educate themselves.
(2) The best way for the government to reduce air pollution is to raise the cost of fuel.
(3) Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people’s life has already taken place.
(4) It is impossible to be completely honest with friends.
(1) It is often not a good idea to move to a new town or a new country because you will lose contact with your old friends. 【利弊因果类题目】
(2) People can solve important problems on their own or with the help of their families.Therefore, people do not need the support of the government. 【证明因果类题目】
(1) The advice from grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world has changed a lot during the past 50 years. 【证明-因果-绝对词】
(2) Some people trust their first impressions about a person’s character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person’s character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? 【证明-比较-因果】
(3) Some believe that people should spend more time being far away from the people we care about, because it is necessary for people to understand the importance of relationship of people we care about, while others think being far away from people we care about can damage our relationship with them. 【利弊-比较-因果】