Russia is a country across Eurasia. Its geopolitical characteristics determine that Russia has the important geopolitical interests in the Western world and the Eastern world. From the view of the geopolitical space division of Russia, the major geopolitical space facing in the West is “Euro-Atlantic Space”, and the major geopolitical space facing in the East is“Asian-Pacific Space”. The Asian-Pacific region is one of Russia's most important strategic directions, so the geostrategy to the Asian-Pacific region must occupy a very important position in Russia's foreign strategy. Historically, meanwhile, Russia is a country that places great importance on geopolitics and geopolitical interests. The geostrategy always occupies a central position in Russia's foreign strategy. Especially for today that the geostrategy space in Europe of Russia faces the constant pressure from Western countries, carrying out actively geostrategy and diplomacy has a great significance on consolidating the national security and development of the Far East, expanding Russia strategic space and enhancing its great power status. Therefore, the thesis chooses the Asian-Pacific Geostrategy of Russia as the research topic which is both for the investigation of the core geostrategy direction of Russia and for the expedition of the core strategic content of Russia. The concrete structure of the thesis is as follows:
Chapter 1, the Ideological Foundation of Russia's Geostrategy toward Asian-Pacific Region: the Russian Geopolitics Thought. The history of the production, development and formation of the Russian geopolitics thought is described in this chapter.
Chapter 2, the International Environment of Russia's Geostrategy toward A sian-Pacific Region: the changes of the geopolitical pattern after the Cold War. This chapter focuses on the external factors for forming the Asian-Pacific Geostrategy of Russia after the Cold War, namely what is the significant changes of neighboring geopolitical patterns and the geopolitical environment of the Russia after the Cold War.
Chapter 3, the Content of Russia's Geostrategy toward Asian-Pacific Region. The Asian-Pacific Geostrategy of Russia actually contains what specific ideas and measures are provided in this chapter.
Chapter 4, the Implementation Path of Russia's Geostrategy toward Asian-Pacific Region. In this chapter, the author attempts to outline the implementation framework of the Asian-Pacific Geostrategy of Russia, namely what means and paths are used by Russia to achieve the idea of the geostrategy.
Chapter 5, the Problems and Prospects Faced by Russia's Geostrategy toward Asian-Pacific Region. In this chapter, the author proposes the problem in the domestic level, regional level and global level of the Asian-Pacific Geostrategy of Russia.
The author combs the basic analytical framework of the thesis in the conclusion part, and thinks the circulation problems of the geopolitics thoughts in the history of Russia which may impact the Asian-Pacific Geostrategy of Russia in the future, and pre-intends the difficult problems which may faced.