
To be an architecture photographer is something I have never planed or thought while I was studying photography eight years ago in Madrid. In my early years I was more attracted by portraits, people and the possibilities of this specific genre. I felt architecture photography was something dead, plain and quite boring.
In a certain period of my life I saw myself surrounded by architects who taught me the language of architecture, the poetry of the objects, the magic of materials, the stories inside the places and the most important thing: the people reflected into architecture. As a result of this I went slowly and almost unconsciously into the architecture and interior photography. It is a delightful path on which I have been walking since then. Through this walk I have reached several conclusions about this specific genre which of course are based on my personal and professional experience.
On a certain day surfing on the web and trying to find the works of other professionals like me, I found an essay written by a colleague. That made me think about my own work, the way I was introduced in architecture photography and my personal view of what architecture should be. I had been working in this field ever since. I had never had any references of what other photographers were doing. This text was a perfect window to my own thoughts, something I hadn't payed attention to until then.
This text summed up the next idea: architecture photography must be objective; it must be a vehicle for an architect's idea. In fact, photographers shouldn't use architecture as a vehicle for their own self-expression. After having read this I felt I was doing something wrong. The author of the text was an important photographer in Spain, so his opinion was based on years of experience and I took it too much into consideration. After this disappointment I began to think of what photography and architecture really meant to me. I wrote some lines trying not to be influenced by this man's opinion but for the way I had been working until then.
I realized that I disagreed with the main ideas of that text and that my work walked in another direction. First I needed to know what photography and architecture were independently. I was surprised by the use of the word"objectivity" referring to these two topics. Can photography be objective? I can't think of photography as an instrument for the faithful representation of reality. The camera is a powerful tool for representation with multiple possibilities which will be absolutely different depending on the person who uses them. I can't think about an image which contains a portion of universal truth in itself, as it has been made by a specific person, shot on a specific second and with specific light, frame and angle. If we modify just one of these elements the reading of the same image could be completely different. So, how could I take an objective image of a building or interior? Which one is the objective angle? The objective frame? The objective light? I found no answer to these questions as I believe they don't exist. Photography is a subjective language. Ten photographers in the same space and time would take ten different images, ten different ideas of that concrete portion of reality and all of them would be true.
Then I thought about the experience of architecture. Do we all have the same experience of architecture?
When this question came to my mind I immediately reminded an experience I had lived years ago. Some day visiting the city I was born I decided to go back to the school where I had studied when I was a child. I was surprised by my perception of the school. All the elements of the class were exactly the same and in the same place, but my visions of then now that I was an adult were incredibly different. In my mind the image of this space had remained as my child vision and now that I was grown up I was living a different experience of the same place. This made me think about how places could be totally different depending on the person who experiences that place. If we compare the experience of a child and an adult, it's obvious, as there is a matter of scale, proportion and height. But we adults also have different sensibilities and attitudes.
Attitude also became an important issue for me. I thought of a garden and two different attitudes of living the experience of a garden. First I imagine someone who gets into this garden and lies down on the ground, sleeping in the grass, staring at the bug's life, and enjoying the heat of the sun and the freshness of the grass. I would say a"touchable experience" of the garden. Then I imagined another person in the same garden, but this one stares at the composition of it, walks along its paths and studies the colors of the flowers, which creates "contemplative experience". Both of them have lived in the same garden but their experience couldn't have been more different. So I thought architecture was supposed to be the same. It is something alive that will be interpreted by the user, and this user is not homogeneous.
So, how could I reflect in my pictures and objective image of the places I was photographing if architecture for me is not objective? Which would be the objective light? The objective time of the day to photograph? Is more objective 7 pm or 8 am? Both are true; both are a true vision of that building or interior. Light will transform the textures of the materials through the day and none of them is a lie.
AR摄影工作室 AR Photo
电话:(00 34)677 67 51 38
Photographer: Asier Rua
Web: http://www.arph.es/
Mail: asierrua@hotmail.com
Tel:(00 34)677 67 51 38
Every new house I have to photograph is a new challenge. When I first started into interiors and architecture, it seemed to me an easy genre to photograph. After some years shooting thousands of pictures I noticed I was so wrong. There are several matters I have to take into consideration whenever I photograph a new house. I would say there are three different stories in every house I photograph. My work is to condense in a series of images the essence of these three stories.
The first is the story the architect has created. I have to explain through images the project the architect has developed, his intentions and his own language. I must try to get a comprehensible group of images which sum up his purposes in the best way. As well as, I have to pay special attention to not distorting this idea so that the final reader can understand easily what the project is talking about.
The second one is the story the inhabitants of the house have created. This is the most magical one as I see how the spaces have been reinterpreted by their owners, the objects people have selected to live with, the ones they show in a shelf or the ones they hide in a drawer. These objects talk about them, about who they are, how they live, and their interests. This is a very intimate story. It turns architecture into something alive, mutable and creative.
The third one is the story I live by myself into the house. The atmosphere of the place, the light, perspectives, movement and details are my particular worries. I never move any furniture, not even add or eliminate any of the objects I find in the place. I try to be faithful to what I have in front of my eyes and find inspiration on it. I like to photograph houses as the way they are lived, having in the final picture the feeling that the place is lived in by somebody, and give the opportunity to the readers to imagine what this people could be like. Though I never include any human figure in the pictures I need to know that they are there. After all, people are interested in people and architecture should talk about people, society and who we are.
Therefore, I will continue this photographic path in the search of people who live in architecture.