The Research on Quality Assurance of Graduateeducation for Master of Professional in Finance under New Scientific and Technological Revolution
Zhen Zhang,Zhouwei Wang
Abstract:The paper has studied quality assurance of graduate education for master of professional in finance under new scientific and technological revolution.The paper has found that new scientific and technological revolution will bring about enormous changes including information,decentralization and intellectualizing on the basis of studying the third scientific and technological revolution.The new scientific and technological revolution has great effect on traditional finance obviously.Now available division and specialization of finance have been weakened greatly.The mindset in finance has been changed enormously.Corresponding,the traditional graduate education pattern in finance must be changed to adjust to external transformation.From the reality there are the following problems.There are segmentation between economics school pattern and business school pattern.It’s difficult to develop general education due to the excessive major setting.Utilitarianism is obvious in the process of education.Though there are different competing patterns abroad,yet business school pattern is the main current.The paper has analyzed key elements affecting business academics and education.The authors have probed some concrete method of the graduate education transformation of major related finance according to the practice in our own schools.There are five aspects including teaching pattern,teaching contents,teaching material system,the second classrooms and cross-disciplinary communication.Finally the paper has prospected the future direction of the graduate education formaster of professional in financein China.
Keywords:New Scientific and Technological Revolution Master of Professional in Finance Economics School Pattern Business School Pattern