Cunt,that's what tha're after.Tell lady Jane tha wants cunt.John Thomas,an'th'cunt O'lady Jane!--'
'Oh,don't tease him,'said Connie,crawling on her knees on the bed towards him and putting her arms round his white slender loins,and drawing him to her so that her hanging,swinging breasts touched the tip of the stirring,erect phallos,and caught the drop of moisture.She held the man fast.
'Lie down!'he said.'Lie down!Let me come!'He was in a hurry now.
And afterwards,when they had been quite still,the woman had to uncover the man again,to look at the mystery of the phallos.
'And now he's tiny,and soft like a little bud of life!'she said,taking the soft small penis in her hand.'Isn't he somehow lovely!so on his own,so strange!And so innocent!And he comes so far into me!You must never insult him,you know.He's mine too.He's not only yours.He's mine!And so lovely and innocent!'And she held the penis soft in her hand.
He laughed.
'Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in kindred love,'he said.
'Of course!'she said.'Even when he's soft and little I feel my heart simply tied to him.And how lovely your hair is here!quite,quite different!'
'That's John Thomas's hair,not mine!'he said.
'John Thomas!John Thomas!'and she quickly kissed the soft penis,that was beginning to stir again.
'Ay!'said the man,stretching his body almost painfully.'He's got his root in my soul,has that gentleman!An'sometimes I don'know what ter do wi'him.Ay,he's got a will of his own,an'it's hard to suit him.
Yet I wouldn't have him killed.'
'No wonder men have always been afraid of him!'she said.'He's rather terrible.'
The quiver was going through the man's body,as the stream of consciousness again changed its direction,turning downwards.And he was helpless,as the penis in slow soft undulations filled and surged and rose up,and grew hard,standing there hard and overweening,in its curious towering fashion.
The woman too trembled a little as she watched.
'There!Take him then!He's thine,'said the man.
And she quivered,and her own mind melted out.Sharp soft waves of unspeakable pleasure washed over her as he entered her,and started the curious molten thrilling that spread and spread till she was carried away with the last,blind flush of extremity.
He heard the distant hooters of Stacks Gate for seven o'clock.It was Monday morning.He shivered a little,and with his face between her breasts pressed her soft breasts up over his ears,to deafen him.
She had not even heard the hooters.She lay perfectly still,her soul washed transparent.
'You must get up,mustn't you?'he muttered.
'What time?'came her colourless voice.
'Seven-o'clock blowers a bit sin'.'
'I suppose I must.'
She was resenting as she always did,the compulsion from outside.
He sat up and looked blankly out of the window.'You do love me,don't you?'she asked calmly.He looked down at her.
'Tha knows what tha knows.What dost ax for!'he said,a little fretfully.
'I want you to keep me,not to let me go,'she said.
His eyes seemed full of a warm,soft darkness that could not think.