This book owes its existence to the wisdom and perseverance of dignitarians past and present, who daily set an example for those around them; and to the current generation of young people, who inspire us to live our way into the vision of a world without rankism.
We also wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals:
Ruth Ann Harnisch, president of the Harnisch Family Foundation, for her early, visionary support of Robert Fuller’s work on dignity and rankism. Her creative ideas, commitment, and passionate philanthropy helped to boldly spread the word about rankism and the need to build a dignitarian world. She also provided valuable counsel to this project at various stages;
Adam Fuller, for helping to define the intent and scope of this project at the outset;
Joyce Gibson, for her powerful application of the dignity work, her unwavering support, and insightful commentary;
Joyce Hempstead, our book designer, for her skill, patience, and good humor;
Jan Hooker-Haring, for her discerning editorial eye;
John Beck, Paul Birnie, Noah Brand, Benjamin Fuller, Karen Fuller, Brian Gerloff, Nancy Haerter, Jeannie Norris, Jennifer Prost, Steve Renne, Carol Soderholm, Kathleen Spaltro, and Elizabeth Tobin, for their thoughtful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript and their insights and support for this project;
Wendy Anderson, Wendy Angus, Marianna Cacciatore, Deborah Dunham, Lillian Greeley, Vern Hunter, Christopher Mogil, Cathy Tell, Mary Terhune, and Ralph Tucker for their helpful input;
All those who provided supporting materials, such as anecdotes, quotations, resources, and appended material;
Elisa Cooper and Diane Castigliani, for their technical expertise and cheerful assistance with the dignity websites;
Stephanie Heuer, for making dignity rock for children and teenagers (see www.dignityrocks.com), and Suze Rutherford and Kim Holl, for also taking the dignity work to schools and young people;
Mara Peluso, for her enthusiastic support, editorial comments, and creative suggestions to improve all aspects of the book;
Lisa Gerloff-Banker, for her extensive feedback and sound editorial advice;
Robert Gerloff, for his comments on the manuscript and for truly championing the dignity work;
John Steiner, for his ongoing and invaluable support as connector, editor, and ally;
Claire Sheridan and Jane Gerloff, whose extensive and varied contributions have, as always, been indispensable;
Johanna Vondeling, Jeevan Sivasubramaniam, Dianne Platner, Debra Gates, and Berrett-Koehler Publishers, for their professionalism and their commitment to living by dignitarian values.
Insofar as Dignity for All draws on earlier works, we thank as well the many contributors acknowledged in Robert Fuller’s books Somebodies and Nobodies and All Rise.
–Robert W. Fuller and Pamela A. Gerloff