第49章 And Jill Finds It Out(2)
Both felt rather guilty next day,but enjoyed themselves very much nevertheless,and kept chuckling over the mine they were making under Jack's unconscious feet.They hardly expected an answer at noon,as the Hill people were not very eager for their mail,but at night Jill was sure of a letter,and to her great delight it came.Jack brought it himself,which added to the fun,and while she eagerly read it he sat calmly poring over the latest number of his own private and particular "Youth's Companion."Bob was not a "complete letter-writer"by any means,and with great labor and much ink had produced the following brief but highly satisfactory epistle.Not knowing how to address his fair correspondent he let it alone,and went at once to the point in the frankest possible way:
"Jack did come up Friday.Sorry he got into a mess.It was real kind of him,and I shall pay him back soon.Jack paid Jerry for me and I made him promise not to tell.Jerry said he'd come here and make a row if I didn't cash up.I was afraid I'd lose the place if he did,for the Capt.is awful strict.If Jack don't tell now,I will.I ain't mean.Glad you wrote.
"Hurrah!"cried Jill,waving the letter over her head in great triumph."Call everybody and read it out,"she added,as Frank snatched it,and ran for his mother,seeing at a glance that the news was good.Jill was so afraid she should tell before the others came that she burst out singing "Pretty Bobby Shafto"at the top of her voice,to Jack's great disgust,for he considered the song very personal,as he wa.s rather fond of "combing down his yellow hair,"and Jill often plagued him by singing it when he came in with the golden quiris very smooth and nice to hide the scar on his forehead.
In about five minutes the door flew open and in came Mamma,making straight for bewildered Jack,who thought the family had gone crazy when his parent caught him in her arms,saying tenderly,"My good,generous boy!I knew he was right all the time!"while Frank worked his hand up and down like a pump-handle,exclaiming heartily,"You're a trump,sir,and I'm proud of you!"Jill meantime calling out,in wild delight,"I told you so!I told you so!I did find out;ha,ha,I did!""Come,I say!What's the matter?I'm all right.Don't squeeze the breath out of me,please,"expostulated Jack,looking so startled and innocent,as he struggled feebly,that they all laughed,and this plaintive protest caused him to be released.But the next proceeding did not enlighten him much,for Frank kept waving a very inky paper before him and ordering him to read it,while Mamma made a charge at Jill,as if it was absolutely necessary to hug somebody.
"Hullo!"said Jack,when he got the letter into his own hand and read it."Now who put Bob up to this?Nobody had any business to interfere--but it's mighty good of him,anyway,"he added,as the anxious lines in his round face smoothed themselves away,while a smile of relief told how hard it had been for him to keep his word.
"I did!"cried Jill,clapping her hands,and looking so happy that he could not have scolded her if he had wanted to.
"Who told you he was in the scrape?"demanded Jack,in a hurry to know all about it now the seal was taken off his own lips.
"You did";and Jill's face twinkled with naughty satisfaction,for this was the best fun of all.
"I didn't!When?Where?It's a joke!"
"You did,"cried Jill,pointing to the rug."You went to sleep there after the long walk,and talked in your sleep about 'Bob'and 'All right,old boy,'and ever so much gibberish.I didn't think about it then,but when I heard that Bob was up there I thought maybe he knew something about it,and last night I wrote and asked him,and that's the answer,and now it is all right,and you are the best boy that ever was,and I'm so glad!"Here Jill paused,all out of breath,and Frank said,with an approving pat on the head,"It won't do to have such a sharp young person round if we are going to have secrets.You'd make a good detective,miss.""Catch me taking naps before people again";and Jack looked rather crestfallen that his own words had set "Fine Ear"on the track."Never mind,I didn't mean to tell,though I just ached to do it all the time,so I haven't broken my word.I'm glad you all know,but you needn't let it get out,for Bob is a good fellow,and it might make trouble for him,"added Jack,anxious lest his gain should be the other's loss.
"I shall tell Mr.Acton myself,and the Captain,also,for I'm not going to have my son suspected of wrong-doing when he has only tried to help a friend,and borne enough for his sake,"said Mamma,much excited by this discovery of generous fidelity in her boy;though when one came to look at it calmly,one saw that it might have been done in a wiser way.
"Now,please,don't make a fuss about it;that would be most as bad as having everyone down on me.I can stand your praising me,but I won't be patted on the head by anybody else";and Jack assumed a manly air,though his face was full of genuine boyish pleasure at being set right in the eyes of those he loved.
"I'll be discreet,dear,but you owe it to yourself,as well as Bob,to have the truth known.Both have behaved well,and no harm will come to him,I am sure.I'll see to that myself,"said Mrs.Minot,in a tone that set Jack's mind at rest on that point.
"Now do tell all about it,"cried Jill,who was pining to know the whole story,and felt as if she had earned the right to hear it.
"Oh,it wasn't much.We promised Ed to stand by Bob,so I did as well as I knew how";and Jack seemed to think that was about all there was to say.