A Ride to Animal-Town
This story tells about an old rabbit who forgot something that everyone should remember. Find out what he forgot.
One morning Billy Beaver was riding to Animal town. The day was very warm. So Johnny Fox, who was pulling the cart, walked along slowly.
After a while Billy saw a tired old rabbit resting by the side of the road.
“Are you going to Animal-town?” asked Billy Beaver.“If you are, you may hop in behind me.”

The old rabbit hopped in, but he did not say a word.
After Billy had gone a little way, Rabbit said something. He said it so very soft and low that Billy Beaver could not understand him.
“What did you say, Rabbit?” asked Billy.
“Oh nothing.”
“Yes, you did. You said something.”
“Oh, I just said that your cart is hard to sit on.”
“Then put your coat under you,”said Billy Beaver.
So the tired old rabbit sat down on his coat.
On and on walked Johnny Fox very slowly. Just as he was going by a green pond, the rabbit said something again. He said it very soft and low.

“What did you say, Rabbit?” asked Billy.
“Oh, nothing.”
“Yes, you did. I heard you.”
“Oh, I just said that your fox walks very slowly.”
“He is doing the best he can,” said Billy Beaver.“The sun is hot.”
“Oh,” said the rabbit.
On they went, until they came to some woods and a red barn. Then the tired old rabbit said something again.
“What did you say?” asked Billy Beaver.
“Oh, nothing.”
“Yes, you did, too. I heard you.”
“Well, I just said that I could not see what is in front of us. You are so wide.”
“I can't help being wide,” said Billy Beaver. “Beavers are always wide.”
“Oh,” said the rabbit.
On they rode, past a yellow house and a big garden. After a while they came to a bumpy place in the road. Then the rabbit said something again.
“What did you say this time, Rabbit?” asked Billy Beaver.
“Oh, nothing.”
“But I heard you say something! What did you say?”
“Well, I just said that the road is very bumpy here. It shakes me all around and bumps my tail.”
Then Billy Beaver called“Whoa!”He looked around at the old rabbit.
“You had better get out,” he said.
“Out!” said the rabbit. “Why?”
“If you don't like to ride, you had better get out and walk.”
“But I do like to ride,” said the rabbit.

“You keep saying things,” said Billy Beaver. “You keep saying things very soft and low. You said that the cart is hard to sit on. You said that the fox walks slowly. You said that you could not see what is in front of us. And now you say that the road is bumpy. Better get out, Rabbit. Better get out and walk.”
The tired old rabbit's ears went wiggle, wiggle. He looked at Billy Beaver. Then he got out, but he did not say a word.
“Get up, there!” said Billy Beaver to the fox.

Away they went, and the rabbit began to walk down the hot, bumpy road. He walked just behind the cart.
After a while the tired old rabbit spoke to Billy Beaver.
“What did you say, Rabbit?” asked Billy.
“I said—let me get in and try again.”
“Whoa!”said Billy Beaver. He put one foot behind his ear and thought a little while. Then he said,“All right. I will let you try again. Get in.”
Rabbit got in, but at first he did not say anything. After a long time he said something very soft and low.
Billy Beaver turned around and looked at him.
“Now you are talking in a low voice again,” he said. “What did you say?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“WHAT DID YOU SAY? I heard you say something just now!”
“I said—hot sun hard road, tired old bunny feet. Glad to ride.”
“Oh,” said Billy Beaver. “That is what you said, is it? Now say one thing more.”
“I am not going to tell you. Think it over, Rabbit. Think it over,” said Billy.
“Oh,” said Rabbit. “All right. I will think it over.”They rode on and on. And the tired old Rabbit thought and thought. After a long time he said something very soft and low.
“What did you say, Rabbit?” asked Billy.
“Glad to ride,” said Rabbit. “THANK YOU.”
“That is polite,”said Billy Beaver, “Now I will say something, YOU ARE WELCOME,RABBIT.”
“Oh,” said Rabbit.
Then Billy Beaver and the tired old rabbit rode on to Animal-town.
1. What did the old rabbit forget?
2. In what way was Billy Beaver kind to the rabbit?
3. What four things did the rabbit say to Billy Beaver that were not polite?
4. How did Billy Beaver teach the rabbit to be polite?
5. Here are some places that Billy Beaver and Rabbit went by on their way to Animal-town. Tell which place they came to first. Tell which place they came to second.
a red barn
a yellow house
a green pond