No explanation is thought necessary, further than to corroborate the author in all he has said in his somewhat unusual preface.
We have enjoyed, immensely, our work of giving to the world this remarkable series of books on Occultism, and appreciate the large patronage they have received from the reading public, for which we return our sincere thanks.We hope the near future will give us the work referred to by the author in his preface, as doubtless it will be a great revelation of Occult laws that govern our little Earth in its relation to our Sun and solar system, of which it forms a part, and give much light on those subjects that have been shrouded in mystery.
"The Light of Egypt" will be found to be an Occult library in itself, a textbook of esoteric knowledge, setting forth the "wisdom Religion" of life, as taught by the Adepts of Hermetic Philosophy.It will richly repay all who are seeking the higher life to carefully study this book, as it contains in a nutshell the wisdom of the ages regarding man and his destiny, here and hereafter.The London and American first edition, also the French edition, Vol.I, met with lively criticism from Blavatsky Theosophists, because it annihilates that agreeable delusion of "Karma" and "Reincarnation" from the minds of all lovers of truth for truth's sake.
"The Tablets of Aeth" is a great and mighty work, as it contains the very quintessence of Occult and Hermetic philosophy, as revealed by spiritual law."Penetralia" is a new revelation, and invaluable to Occult students, as it is the personal experience of a developed soul.
To all lovers of Truth we respectfully recommend this Book of Books, as it has justly been called by many who are competent to criticise its teachings.It was the author's wish that his name be withheld from the public, knowing full well that the teachings contained in his works will prove his motto: "Omnia Vincit Veritas."Now that our author has passed beyond the power of the world to flatter or condemn, and has given his thought for the uplifting of the human family, it is but simple justice that he be made known to the world as its teacher of a higher thought than has preceded him.He shrank frompublic notoriety, and modestly refused to be publicly known to the world as one of its spiritual leaders for the cycle upon which the Earth and its inhabitants have entered, but the time has come to announce publicly the authorship of the works published anonymously under the symbol of {}, and his writings are to be judged by their merits, and not by prejudice nor personal bias as viewed from the human plane of life.
He moved in the world, comparatively unknown to the world at large, and his greatest friends, though mystified, did not understand his true worth in spiritual greatness.The mask, or person, often hides from view the angel in disguise.Therefore our author must be judged by what he has written, and not by his personators and calumniators.The true student of Occultism always judges the tree by its fruits.If the writings of our author are judged by this standard, they will stand as a beacon light to higher rounds than ours.