第102章 XXXI.
A various scene the clansmen made:
Some sat, some stood, some slowly strayer):
But most, with mantles folded round, Were couched to rest upon the ground, Scarce to be known by curious eye From the deep heather where they lie, So well was matched the tartan screen With heath-bell dark and brackens green;Unless where, here and there, a blade Or lance's point a glimmer made, Like glow-worm twinkling through the shade.
But when, advancing through the gloom, They saw the Chieftain's eagle plume, Their shout of welcome, shrill and wide, Shook the steep mountain's steady side.
Thrice it arose, and lake and fell Three times returned the martial yell;It died upon Bochastle's plain, And Silence claimed her evening reign.
The Prophecy.