第18章 This Is Very Kind of You.(1)
The prince went to dress for the occasion, for he was resolved to die like a prince.
When the princess heard that a man had offered to die for her, she was so transported that she jumped off the bed, feeble as she was, and danced about the room for joy. She did not care who the man was; that was nothing to her. The hole wanted stopping; and if only a man would do, why, take one. In an hour or two more everything was ready. Her maid dressed her in haste, and they carried her to the side of the lake. When she saw it she shrieked, and covered her face with her hands. They bore her across to the stone where they had already placed a little boat for her.
The water was not deep enough to float it, but they hoped it would be, before long. They laid her on cushions, placed in the boat wines and fruits and other nice things, and stretched a canopy over all.
In a few minutes the prince appeared. The princess recognized him at once, but did not think it worth while to acknowledge him.
"Here I am," said the prince. "Put me in."
"They told me it was a shoeblack," said the princess.
"So I am," said the prince. "I blacked your little boots three times a day, because they were all I could get of you. Put me in."The courtiers did not resent his bluntness, except by saying to each other that he was taking it out in impudence.
But how was he to be put in? The golden plate contained no instructions on this point. The prince looked at the hole, and saw but one way. He put both his legs into it, sitting on the stone, and, stooping forward, covered the corner that remained open with his two hands. In this uncomfortable position he resolved to abide his fate, and turning to the people, said,--"Now you can go."
The king had already gone home to dinner.
"Now you can go," repeated the princess after him, like a parrot.
The people obeyed her and went.
Presently a little wave flowed over the stone, and wetted one of the prince's knees. But he did not mind it much. He began to sing, and the song he sang was this:--"As a world that has no well, Darting bright in forest dell;As a world without the gleam Of the downward-going stream;As a world without the glance Of the ocean's fair expanse;As a world where never rain Glittered on the sunny plain;--Such, my heart, thy world would be, if no love did flow in thee.
As a world without the sound Of the rivulets underground;Or the bubbling of the spring Out of darkness wandering;Or the mighty rush and flowing Of the river's downward going;Or the music-showers that drop On the outspread beech's top;Or the ocean's mighty voice, When his lifted waves rejoice;--Such, my soul, thy world would be, if no love did sing in thee.
Lady, keep thy world's delight;
Keep the waters in thy sight.
Love hath made me strong to go, For thy sake, to realms below, Where the water's shine and hum Through the darkness never come;Let, I pray, one thought of me Spring, a little well, in thee;Lest thy loveless soul be found Like a dry and thirsty ground.""Sing again, prince. It makes it less tedious," said the princess.
But the prince was too much overcome to sing any more, and a long pause followed.
"This is very kind of you, prince," said the princess at last, quite coolly, as she lay in the boat with her eyes shut.
"I am sorry I can't return the compliment," thought the prince;"but you are worth dying for, after all."
Again a wavelet, and another, and another flowed over the stone, and wetted both the prince's knees; but he did not speak or move.
Two--three--four hours passed in this way, the princess apparently asleep, and the prince very patient. But he was much disappointed in his position, for he had none of the consolation he had hoped for.
At last he could bear it no longer.
"Princess!" said he.
But at the moment up started the princess, crying,--"I'm afloat! I'm afloat!"
And the little boat bumped against the stone.
"Princess!" repeated the prince, encouraged by seeing her wide awake and looking eagerly at the water.
"Well?" said she, without looking round.
"Your papa promised that you should look at me, and you haven't looked at me once.""Did he? Then I suppose I must. But I am so sleepy!""Sleep then, darling, and don't mind me," said the poor prince.
"Really, you are very good," replied the princess. "I think I will go to sleep again.""Just give me a glass of wine and a biscuit first," said the prince, very humbly.
"With all my heart," said the princess, and gaped as she said it.