第269章 Chapter II.(1)
The abbess of Andouillets, which if you look into the large set of provincial maps now publishing at Paris, you will find situated amongst the hills which divide Burgundy from Savoy, being in danger of an Anchylosis or stiff joint (the sinovia of her knee becoming hard by long matins), and having tried every remedy--first, prayers and thanksgiving; then invocations to all the saints in heaven promiscuously--then particularly to every saint who had ever had a stiff leg before her--then touching it with all the reliques of the convent, principally with the thigh-bone of the man of Lystra, who had been impotent from his youth--then wrapping it up in her veil when she went to bed--then cross-wise her rosary--then bringing in to her aid the secular arm, and anointing it with oils and hot fat of animals--then treating it with emollient and resolving fomentations--then with poultices of marsh-mallows, mallows, bonus Henricus, white lillies and fenugreek--then taking the woods, I mean the smoak of 'em, holding her scapulary across her lap--then decoctions of wild chicory, water-cresses, chervil, sweet cecily and cochlearia--and nothing all this while answering, was prevailed on at last to try the hot-baths of Bourbon--so having first obtained leave of the visitor-general to take care of her existence--she ordered all to be got ready for her journey: a novice of the convent of about seventeen, who had been troubled with a whitloe in her middle finger, by sticking it constantly into the abbess's cast poultices, &c.--had gained such an interest, that overlooking a sciatical old nun, who might have been set up for ever by the hot-baths of Bourbon, Margarita, the little novice, was elected as the companion of the journey.
An old calesh, belonging to the abbesse, lined with green frize, was ordered to be drawn out into the sun--the gardener of the convent being chosen muleteer, led out the two old mules, to clip the hair from the rump-ends of their tails, whilst a couple of lay-sisters were busied, the one in darning the lining, and the other in sewing on the shreds of yellow binding, which the teeth of time had unravelled--the under-gardener dress'd the muleteer's hat in hot wine-lees--and a taylor sat musically at it, in a shed over-against the convent, in assorting four dozen of bells for the harness, whistling to each bell, as he tied it on with a thong.----The carpenter and the smith of Andouillets held a council of wheels; and by seven, the morning after, all look'd spruce, and was ready at the gate of the convent for the hot-baths of Bourbon--two rows of the unfortunate stood ready there an hour before.
The abbess of Andouillets, supported by Margarita the novice, advanced slowly to the calesh, both clad in white, with their black rosaries hanging at their breasts----There was a simple solemnity in the contrast: they entered the calesh;the nuns in the same uniform, sweet emblem of innocence, each occupied a window, and as the abbess and Margarita look'd up--each (the sciatical poor nun excepted)--each stream'd out the end of her veil in the air--then kiss'd the lilly hand which let it go: the good abbess and Margarita laid their hands saint-wise upon their breasts--look'd up to heaven--then to them--and look'd 'God bless you, dear sisters.'
I declare I am interested in this story, and wish I had been there.