第39章 SCENE 5(2)
The--er--necessities of my--er--profession may--er--compel me; but you--er--never! Holding myself--er--er--responsible for having introduced you here, it is my--er--duty to provide you with--another home! It is my--er--duty to protect--Miss Mary (aside). Sandy here, and beneath this roof! Why has he not sought me? Ah, I know too well: he dare not face me with his child!
Starbottle (aside). She turns away! it is maiden coyness. (Aloud.)
If, Miss Mary, the--er--devotion of a life-time; if the--er--chivalrous and respectful adoration of a man--er--whose record is--er--not unknown in the Court of Honor (dropping on one knee with excessive gallantry); if the--er--measure--Miss Mary (oblivious of COL. STARBOTTLE). I WILL--I MUST see him!
Ah! (looking L.) he is coming!
Enter SANDY.
Starbottle (rising with great readiness and tact). I have found it (presenting flower). It had fallen beneath the sofa.
Sandy (to MISS MARY, stopping short in embarrassment). I did not know you--I--I--thought there was no one here.
Miss Mary (to STARBOTTLE). May I ask you to excuse me for a moment? I have a few words to say to--to my COUSIN!
STARBOTTLE bows gallantly to MISS MARY, and stiffly to SANDY, and exit R. A long pause; MISS MARY remains seated pulling flowers, SANDY remains standing by wing, foolish and embarrassed. Business.
Miss Mary (impatiently). Well?
Sandy (slowly). I axes your pardon, miss; but you told THAT gentleman you had a few words--to say to me.
Miss Mary (passionately, aside). Fool! (Aloud.) I had; but I am waiting to first answer your inquiries about your--your--child. I have fulfilled my trust, sir.
Sandy. You have, Miss Mary, and I thank you.
Miss Mary. I might perhaps have expected that this revelation of our kinship would have come from other lips than a stranger's; but--no matter! I wish you joy, sir, of your heritage. (Going.) You have found a home, sir, at last, for yourself and--and--your child.
Good-day, sir.
Sandy. Miss Mary!
Miss Mary. I must make ready to receive your father's guests. It is his orders: I am only his poor relation. Good-by, sir. [Exit L.
Sandy (watching her). She is gone!--gone! No! She has dropped on the sofa in the ante-room, and is crying. Crying! I promised Jack I wouldn't speak until the time came. I'll go back. (Hesitating, and looking toward L.) Poor girl! How she must hate me! I might just say a word, one word to thank her for her kindness to Johnny,--only one word, and then go away. I--I--can keep from liquor. I swore I would to Jack, that night I saw the old man--drunk,--and I have. But--I can't keep--from--her! No--damn it! (Going toward L.) No!--I'll go! [Exit L.
Enter hurriedly and excitedly JOVITA, R., followed by MANUELA.
Jovita. Where is she? Where is HE?--the traitor!
Manuela (entreatingly). Compose yourself, Dona Jovita, for the love of God! This is madness: believe me, there is some mistake.
It is some trick of an enemy,--of that ingrate, that coyote, Concho, who hates the Don Alexandro.
Jovita. A trick! Call you this a trick? Look at this paper, put into my hands by my father a moment ago. Read it. Ah! listen.
(Reads.) "In view of the EVIDENT PREFERENCES of my son, Alexander Morton, I hereby revoke my consent to his marriage with the Dona Jovita Castro, and accord him full permission to woo and win his cousin, Miss Mary Morris!" Call you this a trick, eh? No, it is their perfidy! This is why SHE was brought here on the eve of my betrothal. This accounts for his silence, his absence. Oh, I shall go mad!
Manuela. Compose yourself, miss. If I am not deceived, there is one here who will aid us,--who will expose this deceit. Listen: an hour ago, as I passed through the hall, I saw Diego, our old Diego,--your friend and confidant, Diego.
Jovita. The drunkard--the faithless Diego!
Manuela. Never, Miss Jovita; not drunken! For, as he passed before me, he was as straight, as upright, as fine as your lover.
Come, miss, we will seek him.
Jovita. Never! He, too, is a traitor.
Manuela. Believe me, no! Come, Miss Jovita. (Looking toward L.)
See, he is there. Some one is with him.
Jovita (looking). You are right; and it is she--SHE, Miss Mary!
What? he is kissing her hand! and she--SHE, the double traitress--drops her head upon his shoulder! Oh, this is infamy!
Manuela. Hush! Some one is coming. The guests are arriving.
They must not see you thus. This way, Miss Jovita,--this way.
After a little, a little, the mystery will be explained. (Taking JOVITA'S hand, and leading her R.)
Jovita (going). And this was the correct schoolmistress, the preceptress and example of all the virtues! ha! (laughing hysterically) ha!