第805章 CHAPTER XVI(65)
FN 639 One remittance of two thousand pistoles is mentioned in a letter of Croissy to Avaux, Feb. 16/26 1689. James, in a letter dated Jan. 26. 1689, directs Preston to consider himself as still Secretary, notwithstanding Melfort's appointment.
FN 640 Narcissus Luttrell's Diary; Commons' Journals, May 14. 15.
20. 1690; Kingston's True History, 1697.
FN 641 The Whole Life of Mr. William Fuller, being an Impartial Account of his Birth, Education, Relations and Introduction into the Service of the late King James and his Queen, together with a True Discovery of the Intrigues for which he lies now confined;as also of the Persons that employed and assisted him therein, with his Hearty Repentance for the Misdemeanours he did in the late Reign, and all others whom he hath injured; impartially writ by Himself during his Confinement in the Queen's Bench, 1703. Of course I shall use this narrative with caution.
FN 642 Fuller's Life of himself, FN 643 Clarendon's Diary, March 6. 1690; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary.
FN 644 Clarendon's Diary, May 10. 1690.
FN 645 He wrote to Portland, "Je plains la povre reine, qui est en des terribles afflictions."FN 646 See the Letters of Shrewsbury in Coxe's Correspondence, Part I, chap. i, FN 647 That Lady Shrewsbury was a Jacobite, and did her best to make her son so, is certain from Lloyd's Paper of May 1694, which is among the Nairne MSS., and was printed by Macpherson.
FN 648 This is proved by a few words in a paper which James, in November 1692, laid before the French government. "Il y a" says he, "le Comte de Shrusbery, qui, etant Secretaire d'Etat du Prince d'Orange, s'est defait de sa charge par mon ordre." One copy of this most valuable paper is in the Archives of the French Foreign Office. Another is among the Nairne MSS. in the Bodleian Library. A translation into English will be found in Macpherson's collection.
FN 649 Burnet, ii. 45.
FN 650 Shrewsbury to Somers, Sept. 22. 1697.
FN 651 Among the State Poems (vol. ii. p. 211.) will be found a piece which some ignorant editor has entitled, "A Satyr written when the K- went to Flanders and left nine Lords justices." Ihave a manuscript copy of this satire, evidently contemporary, and bearing the date 1690. It is indeed evident at a glance that the nine persons satirised are the nine members of the interior council which William appointed to assist Mary when he went to Ireland. Some of them never were Lords Justices.
FN 652 From a narrative written by Lowther, which is among the Mackintosh MSS, FN 653 See Mary's Letters to William, published by Dalrymple.
FN 654 Clarendon's Diary, May 30. 1690.
FN 655 Gerard Croese.
FN 656 Burnet, ii. 46.
FN 657 The Duchess of Marlborough's Vindication.
FN 658 London Gazettes, June 5. 12. 16. 1690; Hop to the States General from Chester, June 9/19. Hop attended William to Ireland as envoy from the States.
FN 659 Clarendon's Diary, June 7. and 12. 1690; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary; Baden, the Dutch Secretary of Legation, to Van Citters, June 10/20; Fuller's Life of himself; Welwood's Mercurius Reformatus, June 11 1690.
FN 660 Clarendon's Diary, June 8. 1690.
FN 661 Ibid., June 10.
FN 662 Baden to Van Citters, June 20/30 1690.; Clarendon's Diary, June 19. Narcissus Luttrell's Diary.
FN 663 Clarendon's Diary, June 25.
FN 664 Narcissus Luttrell's Diary.
FN 665 Memoirs of Saint Simon.
FN 666 London Gazette, June 26. 1690; Baden to Van Citters, June 24/July 4.
FN 667 Mary to William, June 26. 1690; Clarendon's Diary of the same date; Narcissus Luttrell's. Diary.
FN 668 Mary to William, June 28. and July 2. 1690.
FN 669 Report of the Commissioners of the Admiralty to the Queen, dated Sheerness, July 18. 1690; Evidence of Captains Cornwall, Jones, Martin and Hubbard, and of Vice Admiral Delaval; Burnet, ii. 52., and Speaker Onslow's Note; Memoires du Marechal de Tourville; Memoirs of Transactions at Sea by Josiah Burchett, Esq., Secretary to the Admiralty, 1703; London Gazette, July 3.;Historical and Political Mercury for July 1690; Mary to William, July 2.; Torrington to Caermarthen, July I. The account of the battle in the Paris Gazette of July 15. 1690 is not to be read without shame: "On a sceu que les Hollandois s'estoient tres bien battus, et qu'ils s'estoient comportez en cette occasion en braves gens, mais que les Anglois n'en avoient pas agi de meme."In the French official relation of le battle off Cape Bevezier,--an odd corruption of Pevensey,--are some passages to the same effect: "Les Hollandois combattirent avec beaucoup de courage et de fermete; mais ils ne furent pas bien secondez par les Anglois." "Les Anglois se distinguerent des vaisseax de Hollande par le peu de valeur qu'ils montrerent dans le combat."FN 670 Life of James, ii. 409.; Burnet, ii. 5.
FN 671 London Gazette, June 30. 1690; Historical and Political Mercury for July 1690.
FN 672 Nottingham to William, July 15. 1690.
FN 673 Burnet, ii. 53, 54.; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary, July 7.
11. 1690 London Gazette, July 14. 1690.
FN 674 Mary to William, July 3. 10. 1690; Shrewsbury to Caermarthen, July 15.
FN 675 Mary to the States General, July 12.; Burchett's Memoirs;An important Account of some remarkable Passages in the Life of Arthur, Earl of Torrington, 1691.
FN 676 London Gazette, June 19 1690; History of the Wars in Ireland by an Officer in the Royal Army, 1690,; Villare Hibernicum, 1690;. Story's Impartial History, 1691; Historical Collections relating to the town of Belfast, 1817. This work contains curious extracts from MSS. of the seventeenth century.
In the British Museum is a map of Belfast made in 1685 so exact that the houses may be counted.
FN 677 Lauzun to Louvois, June 16/26. The messenger who brought the news to Lauzun had heard the guns and seen the bonfires.
History of the Wars in Ireland by an Officer of the Royal Army, 1690; Lire of James, ii. 392., Orig. Mem.; Burnet, ii. 47. Burnet is strangely mistaken when he says that William had been six days in Ireland before his arrival was known to James.