"Well, then, if we CAN get her safe to this place, and keep her in the dark for a few months, I think we may save her life. Every thing else will be in her favor here: her native air, cherished memories, her brother's love--and, after all, it was fretting about her quarrel with him that first undermined her health and spirits.
Well, we shall remove the cause, and then perhaps the effect may go.
But how are we to keep the sad truth from her?"
"Let me think," said Jael Dence. "My head is a deal clearer since last night."
She leaned her chin upon her hand, and her face and brow showed signs of intellectual power no one had ever observed in them before.
"Who is to go for her?" said she at last.
"I am going myself."
"That is a mistake at starting, begging your worship's pardon. Why, the very sight of you might startle her into her grave. Nay, you'll give me the money--for mine is all in the savings bank--and I shall go for her myself. I shall tell her squire is longing for her, and that I'm to be here for fear she might feel strange. She always liked me, poor soul. I shall get her safe here, you needn't fear for that. But when she is here"--the chin rested on the hand again--
"well, the doctor must forbid visitors. Miss Grace must be told not to write. Every newspaper must be read before she is allowed to see it. And, squire, you will be very kind to her when you are in her company; but we must manage, somehow or other, so that you can keep out of her way."
"What for, in heaven's name?"
"Sir, we shall have to lie from morn to night; and you will be a bungler at that, saving your presence. If there's a servant left in the house who knows, I'd give that servant a present, and part with her before Mrs. Little sets her foot in the house."
"This sounds very sensible," said Raby. "I am a novice at lying.
But I shall cultivate the art for poor Edith's sake. I'm not a fanatic: there is justifiable homicide, so why not justifiable facticide?"
"Raby," said the doctor, "this young woman has said enough to show me that she is more fit to conduct this delicate undertaking than either you or I. Let us profit by the discovery, put our vanity in our pocket, and give her the command. My dear, you see the importance, you see the difficulty; now will you undertake it?"
"I will, sir," said Jael, firmly; "and I look to succeed, God willing. I shall be in Wales this afternoon."
"Well, but would you not be the better yourself for one day's rest?"
"No, sir. I've learned, with a sad heart, what one day may bring forth. After that, I'm sworn never to throw away a day. And, as for sitting down and thinking, 'tis the worst thing I can do. I do thank God that in this, my own heavy trouble, I'm not tied to my sad thoughts, but can get about, and do a little of good for Raby House.
Do what I will, 'tis but giving them back one pig out of their own farrow; for we owe all we have to them."
With this she retired to prepare for her journey, leaving both the gentlemen lost in admiration of her simple virtues, and the clear intelligence she had shown them in few words.
She traveled into Wales that very day, and many a burst of bitter grief she had all by herself in the train.
At six P.M. she stood before Mrs. Little with a smiling countenance.
Mrs. Little welcomed her with some little pleasure and much surprise.
"Good news, madam," said Jael. "Squire Raby has sent me to bring you to Raby Hall. He wanted to come himself, but I would not let him."
"That is good news," said Mrs. Little languidly. "Now I shall die at peace with my brother--at peace with all mankind, I hope."
"You'll die when your time comes," said Jael. But you have got a shorter journey before you at present, and that is to Raby Hall."
"Raby Hall! I shall never see it again. I have no strength to move. I am worn out with the battle of life. Stay with me here, and close my eyes."
"Of course I shall stay with you," said Jael, and began to gossip with every appearance of carelessness.
Next morning, with infinite difficulty, she persuaded the poor jaundiced lady to show her Aberystwith. She took the tickets herself, and got her patient half-way to Hillsborough; next day, with less difficulty, to Raby Hall. All had been settled before.
Edith little was shown into her old bedroom, adorned with pyramids of flowers in her honor; and there she found a loving line from Guy, begging her pardon for his past harshness, and telling her she was to send for him as soon as she felt strong enough to meet.
That evening brother and sister were clasped in each other's arms, and wept tears of affection and regret over each other.
Jael Dence slept on a camp-bed in Mrs. Little's room, which was very spacious, and watched her, and was always about her. Under private advice from Dr. Amboyne, she superintended her patient's diet, and, by soft, indomitable perseverance, compelled her to walk every day, and fight against her fatal lassitude.
Heaven rewarded her by giving her a warm and tender affection for her poor patient that did something to fill her own yearning and desolate heart.
Here I must leave them both for the present, and show how these events affected the main characters of my story.