第74章 31st December,1836
To J.Tarn,Esq.(ENDORSED:recd.Jany.9,1837)No.16PISO 3RO CALLE SAN IAGO,MADRID,DEC.31ST,1836.
MY DEAR SIR,-I forward the bill of my expenses from the moment of my quitting London up to the time of my arrival at Madrid.When it is considered that I have been nearly two months on this most perilous journey,it will probably not be deemed extravagant;should that however be the case,I shall be very willing to defray from my salary any deduction which may be made.I beg leave to call your attention particularly to the expense of horse-hire.Ipaid an ounce of gold for two miserable animals from Seville to Cordova,I had to maintain them by the way,to pay their expenses back,and to provide a guide.Neither of the horses was worth what I paid for their hire;it is true their master risked their being captured by the bands of robbers from whom I providentially escaped.It will in future be much cheaper to purchase horses.
You will oblige me by informing me how my account with you stands,for it seems I was indebted to you on departing.I have seen Mr.
O'Shea and Mr.Wood;with the assistance of the former gentleman Ihope to obtain the paper for the work at a considerable less price than that stated in Mr.W.'s estimate,as Mr.O'Shea is connected with the paper-mills of Catalonia.I shall write to Mr.Brandram in a few days and in the meanwhile remain,etc.,G.BORROW.