第181章 28th December,1839
To the Rev.A.Brandram (ENDORSED:recd.Jan.7,1840)MADRID,No.16CALLE,SANTIAGO,28TH DEC.1839.
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-I lose not a moment in writing to you in consequence of an article in one of the London papers (the COURIER,I believe)which has just been shown me.It relates to my late imprisonment at Seville,and contains part of a letter which Ishowed to a friend and which indeed was a copy of that which I sent to yourself.With respect to the letter I have little to observe,save that I showed it to various individuals (who took copies)in order that an incorrect account of the affair might not get abroad;but I beg leave solemnly to assure you that I disavow and give no countenance to any remarks or observations respecting it which may find their way into print.I am not ashamed of the METHODISTS OFCADIZ;their conduct in many respects does them honour,nor do Iaccuse any one of fanaticism amongst our dear and worthy friends;but I cannot answer for the tittle-tattle of Madrid.Far be it from me to reflect upon any one:I am but too well aware of my own multitudinous imperfections and follies.I am going instantly to write to Mr.Rule,and I would also to our other friend did I but know his address.Should you have an opportunity of communicating with him,pray,pray say something on the subject,and present to him my kind love.I hope sincerely no further notice will be taken of this affair in the newspapers,but to attempt to correct their errors would merely make bad worse.Pray excuse my agitation,but I write in haste.
I remain,Revd.and dear Sir,yours sincerely,GEORGE BORROW.