Meanwhile poor Grace had fared badly at the poorhouse in Crawford.It was a sad contrast to the gentle and kindly circle at Mr.Pomeroy's.What made it worse for Grace was, that she could hear nothing of Frank.She feared he was sick, or had met with some great misfortune, which prevented his writing.
One day a handsome carriage drove up to the door.
From it descended our hero, elegantly attired.He knocked at the door.
Mrs.Chase, who was impressed by wealth, came to the door in a flutter of respect, induced by the handsome carriage.
``What do you wish, sir?'' she asked, not recognizing Frank.
``Miss Grace Fowler!'' repeated Mrs.Chase, almost paralyzed at Grace being called for by such stylish acquaintances``Yes, my sister Grace.''
``What! are you Frank Fowler?''
``Yes.I have come to take Grace away.''
``I don't know as I have the right to let her go,''
said Mrs.Chase, cautiously, regretting that Grace was likely to escape her clutches.
``Here is an order from Deacon Pinkerton, chairman of the overseers of the poor.''
``That is sufficient.She can go.You look as if you had prospered in the city,'' she added, with curiosity.
``Yes.I have found my grandfather, who is very wealthy.''
``You don't say!'' ejaculated Mrs.Chase.``I'll tell Grace at once.''
Grace at work in the kitchen had not heard of the arrival.What was her surprise when Mrs.Chase, entering the room, said, graciously:
``Go up at once, Grace, and change your clothes.
Your brother has come for you.He is going to take you away.''
Grace almost gasped for breath.
``Is it true?''
``It is indeed.Your brother looks remarkably well.He is rich.He has found a rich grandfather, and has come for you in a carriage.''
In amazed bewilderment Grace went upstairs and put on her best dress, poor enough in comparison with her brother's clothes, and was soon happy in his embrace.
``I am glad to see you, my dear child,'' said Mr.
Wharton, who had accompanied Frank.``Will you come to the city and live with me and your brother?''
``Oh, sir, I shall be glad to be wherever Frank is.''
``Good-bye, my dear child,'' sand Mrs.Chase, whose feelings were very much changed, now that Grace was a rich young lady.``Come and see me some time.''
``Thank you, Mrs.Chase.Good-bye!''
The carriage rolled on.
A few words only remain.Our hero was placed at a classical school, and in due time entered college, where he acquitted himself with distinction.He is now making a tour of Europe.Grace was also placed at an excellent school, and has developed into a handsome and accomplished young lady.It is thought she will marry Sam Pomeroy, who obtained a place in a counting-room through Mr.Wharton's influence, and is now head clerk, with a prospect of partnership.His father received a gift of five thousand dollars from Mr.Wharton as an acknowledgment of his kindness to Frank.Tom Pinkerton holds a subordinate clerkship in the same house, and is obliged to look up to Sam as his superior.It chafes his pride, but his father has become a poor man, and Tom is too prudent to run the risk of losing his situation.John Wade draws his income regularly, but he is never seen at his uncle's house.
Mr.Wharton is very happy in his grandson, and made happier by the intelligence just received from Europe of Frank's engagement to a brilliant young New York lady whom he met in his travels.He bids fair, though advanced in age, to live some years yet, to witness the happiness of his dear grandson, once a humble cash-boy.