I expect it from you, and I must have it; do you understand me? The powerful influence of your brother at the Court of Vienna will serve you in this.I wish to have the most precise details as to the present position of the Duke de Reichstadt--the Napoleon II.of the Imperialists.
Is it possible, by means of your brother, to open a secret correspondence with the prince, unknown to his attendants?
"Look to this promptly.It is urgent.This note will he sent off to-
day.I shall complete it to-morrow.It will reach you, as usual, by the hands of the petty shopkeeper."
At the moment when Rodin was sealing this letter within a double envelope, he thought that he again heard a noise at the door.He listened.After some silence, several knocks were distinctly audible.
Rodin started.It was the first time any one had knocked at his door, since nearly a twelve-month that he occupied this room.Hastily placing the letter in his great-coat pocket, the Jesuit opened the old trunk under his bed, took from it a packet of papers wrapped in a tattered cotton handkerchief, added to them the two letters in cipher he had just received, and carefully relocked the trunk.The knocking continued without, and seemed to show more and more impatience.Rodin took the greengrocer's basket in his hand, tucked his umbrella under his arm, and went with some uneasiness to ascertain who was this unexpected visitor.
He opened the door, and found himself face to face with Rose-Pompon, the troublesome singer, and who now, with a light and pretty courtesy, said to him in the most guileless manner in the world, "M.Rodin, if you please?"
[23] On page 110 of Lamennais' Affaires de Rome, will be seen the following admirable scathing of Rome by the most truly evangelical spirit of our age: "So long as the issue of the conflict between Poland and her oppressors remained in the balances, the papal official organ contained not one word to offend the so long victorious nation; but hardly had she gone down under the Czar's atrocious vengeance, and the long torture of a whole land doomed to rack, and exile, and servitude began, than this same journal found no language black enough to stain those whom fortune had fled.Yet it is wrong to charge this unworthy insult to papal power; it only cringes to the law which Russia lays down to it, when it says:
"'If you want to keep your own bones unbroken, bide where you are, beside the scaffold, and, as the victims pass, hoot at them!'"
[24] See Pope Gregory XVI.'s Encyclical Letter to the Bishops in France, 1832.
[25] Hardly had the Sixteenth Gregory ascended the pontifical throne, than news came of the rising in Bologna.His first idea was to call the Austrians, and incite the Sanfedist volunteer bands of fanatics.
Cardinal Albini defeated the liberals at Cesena, where his followers pillaged churches, sacked the town, and ill-treated women.At Forli, cold-blooded murders were committed.In 1832 the Sanfedists (Holy Faithites) openly paraded their medals, bearing the heads of the Duke of Modem and the Pope; letters issued by the apostolic confederation;
privileges and indulgences.They took the following oath: "I.A.B., vow to rear the throne and altar over the bones of infamous freedom-
shriekers, and exterminate these latter without pity for children's cries and women's tears." The disorders perpetrated by these marauders went beyond all bounds; the Romish Court regularized anarchy and organized the Sanfedists into volunteer corps, to which fresh privileges were granted.
[Revue deux Mondes, Nov.15th, 1844.--"La Revolution en Italie."]