第63章 Irving’s Bonneville - Chapter 22(3)
Mr. Robert Campbell, from whom we have most of these facts, in the course of one ofhis trapping expeditions, was quartered in the village of Arapooish, and a guest in thelodge of the chieftain. He had collected a large quantity of furs, and, fearful of beingplundered, deposited but a part in the lodge of the chief; the rest he buried in a cache.
One night, Arapooish came into the lodge with a cloudy brow, and seated himself for atime without saying a word. At length, turning to Campbell, "You have more furs withyou," said he, "than you have brought into my lodge?""I have," replied Campbell.
"Where are they?"
Campbell knew the uselessness of any prevarication with an Indian; and theimportance of complete frankness. He described the exact place where he hadconcealed his peltries.
" 'Tis well," replied Arapooish; "you speak straight. It is just as you say. But your cachehas been robbed. Go and see how many skins have been taken from it."Campbell examined the cache, and estimated his loss to be about one hundred andfifty beaver skins.
Arapooish now summoned a meeting of the village. He bitterly reproached his peoplefor robbing a stranger who had confided to their honor; and commanded that whoeverhad taken the skins, should bring them back: declaring that, as Campbell was his guestand inmate of his lodge, he would not eat nor drink until every skin was restored to him.
The meeting broke up, and every one dispersed. Arapooish now charged Campbell togive neither reward nor thanks to any one who should bring in the beaver skins, but tokeep count as they were delivered.
In a little while, the skins began to make their appearance, a few at a time; they werelaid down in the lodge, and those who brought them departed without saying a word.
The day passed away. Arapooish sat in one corner of his lodge, wrapped up in hisrobe, scarcely moving a muscle of his countenance. When night arrived, he demandedif all the skins had been brought in. Above a hundred had been given up, and Campbellexpressed himself contented. Not so the Crow chieftain. He fasted all that night, nortasted a drop of water. In the morning, some more skins were brought in, and continuedto come, one and two at a time, throughout the day, until but a few were wanting tomake the number complete. Campbell was now anxious to put an end to this fasting ofthe old chief, and again declared that he was perfectly satisfied. Arapooish demandedwhat number of skins were yet wanting. On being told, he whispered to some of hispeople, who disappeared. After a time the number were brought in, though it wasevident they were not any of the skins that had been stolen, but others gleaned in thevillage.
"Is all right now?" demanded Arapooish.
"All is right," replied Campbell.
"Good! Now bring me meat and drink!"
When they were alone together, Arapooish had a conversation with his guest.
"When you come another time among the Crows," said he, "don't hide your goods: trustto them and they will not wrong you. Put your goods in the lodge of a chief, and theyare sacred; hide them in a cache, and any one who finds will steal them. My peoplehave now given up your goods for my sake; but there are some foolish young men inthe village, who may be disposed to be troublesome. Don't linger, therefore, but packyour horses and be off."
Campbell took his advice, and made his way safely out of the Crow country. He hasever since maintained that the Crows are not so black as they are painted. "Trust totheir honor," says he, "and you are safe: trust to their honesty, and they will steal thehair off your head."
Having given these few preliminary particulars, we will resume the course of ournarrative. [Return to Contents].