Put by the sword (a dreamer saith), The years of peace draw nigh!
Already the millennial dawn Makes red the eastern sky!
Be not deceived. It comes not yet!
The ancient passions keep Alive beneath their changing masks.
They are not dead. They sleep.
Surely peace comes. As sure as Man Rose from primeval slime.
That was not yesterday. There's still A weary height to climb!
And we can dwell too long with dreams And play too much with words, Forgetting our inheritance Was bought and held with swords.
But Truth (you say) makes tyrants quail--Beats down embattled Wrong?
If truth be armed! Be not deceived.
The strife is to the strong.
Words are not guns. Words are not ships.
And ships and guns prevail.
Our liberties, that blood has gained, Are guarded, or they fail.
Truth does not triumph without blows, Error not tamely yields.
But falsehood closes with quick faith, Fierce, on a thousand fields.
And surely, somewhat of that faith Our fathers fought for clings!
Which called this freedom's hemisphere, Despite Earth's leagued kings.
Great creeds grow thews, or else they die.
Thought clothed in deed is lord.
What are thy gods? Thy gods brought love?
They also brought a sword.
Unchallenged, shall we always stand, Secure, apart, aloof?
Be not deceived. That hour shall come Which puts us to the proof.
Then, that we hold the trust we have Safeguarded for our sons, Let us cease dreaming! Let us have More ships, more troops, more guns!