第98章 A NEW SKIN.(5)
"My friend," said he, "what in your opinion would be the best course to pursue?""I should say, without a moment's hesitation, turn up the whole scheme, and look out for another one, which, if less lucrative, would not be so full of danger. You had hoped to win the game, and with good reason too. Now throw aside all feelings of wounded vanity, and accept your defeat. After all, it does not matter to us who Mademoiselle de Mussidan marries. The great enterprise fortunately does not lie in this alliance. We have still the idea of the Company to which all old people must subscribe remaining to us, and we can work it up at once."He stopped short, abashed by the look on Tantaine's face.
"It strikes me," resumed the doctor, a little mortified, "that my proposal is not utterly ridiculous, and certainly deserves some consideration.""Perhaps so; but is it a practical one?"
"I see o reason why it should not be."
"Indeed, then, you look at the thing in a very different manner to myself. We are too far advanced, my dear doctor, to be our own masters. We must go on, and have no option to do otherwise. To beat a retreat would simply be to invite our enemies to fall upon our disorganized battalions. We must give battle; and as the first to strike has always the best chance of victory, we must strive to take the initiative.""The idea is good, but these are mere words.""Was the secret that we confided to De Croisenois only words?"This thrust went home.
"Do you mean that you think he would betray us?" said he.
"Why should he not if it were to his interests to do so? Reflect, Croisenois is almost at the end of his tether. We have dangled the line of a princely fortune before his eyes. Do you think he would do nothing if we were to say, 'Excuse us, but we made a mistake; poor as you are, so you must remain, for we do not intend to help you?' ""But is it necessary to say that at all?"
"Well, at any rate, whatever we choose to say, what limit do you think he will place upon his extortions now that he holds our secret? We have taught him his music, and he will make us do our part in the chorus, and can blackmail us as well as we can others.""We played a foolish game," answered Dr. Hortebise moodily.
"No; we had to confide in some one. Besides, the two affairs, that of Madame de Mussidan and the Duke de Champdoce, ran so well together.
They were the simultaneous emanations of my brain. I worked them up together, and together they must stand or fall.""Then you are determined to go on?"
"Yes; more determined than ever."
The doctor had been playing with his locket for some time, and the contact of the cold metal seemed to have affected his nerves; for it was in a trembling voice that he replied,--"I vowed long ago that we should sink or swim together." He paused, and then, with a melancholy smile upon his face, continued,--"I have no intention of breaking my oath, you see; but I repeat, that your road seems to be a most perilous one, and I will add that I consider you headstrong and self-opinionated; but for all that I will follow you, even though the path you have chosen leads to the grave. I have at this moment a something between my fingers that will save me from shame and disgrace--a little pill to be swallowed, a gasp, a little dizziness, and all is over."Tantaine did not seem to care for the doctor's explanation.
"There, that will do," said he. "If things come to the worst, you can use the contents of your locket as much as you like, but in the meantime leave it alone, and do not keep jingling it in that distracting manner. For people of our stamp a danger well known is a comparatively slight peril, for threats furnish us with means of defence. Woe, I say, woe to the man who crosses my path, for I will hold my hand from nothing!" He stopped for a little, opened every door, and assured himself that there were no eavesdroppers, and then, in a low whisper, he said to Hortebise, "Do you not see that there is but one obstacle to our success, and that is Andre? Remove him, and the whole of our machinery will work as smoothly as ever."Hortebise winced, as if suffering from a sudden pain.
"Do you mean----?" asked he.
But Tantaine interrupted him with a low laugh, terrible to listen to.
"And why not?" said he. "Is it not better to kill than to be killed?"Hortebise trembled from head to foot. He had no objection to extorting money by the basest threats, but he drew the line at murder.
"And suppose we were found out?" muttered he.
"Nonsense! How could we be discovered? Justice always looks for a motive; how, then could they bring it home to us? They could only find out that a young lady adored by De Breulh had thrown him over in order to marry Andre.""Horrible!" murmured the doctor, much shocked.
"I daresay that it is horrible, and I have no wish to proceed to extremities. I only wish to speak of it as a remote possibility, and one that we may be compelled to adopt. I hate violence just as much as you do, and trust that it may not be necessary."Just then the door opened, and Paul entered, a letter in his hand. He seemed in excellent spirits, and shook hands with both his visitors.
Tantaine smiled sarcastically as he contrasted Paul's high spirits with the state of depression in which he had left him not many hours ago.
"Things are evidently going well with you," remarked the doctor, forcing a smile.
"Yes; I cannot find any reason for complaint.""Have you given your lesson?"