En Numan ben el MundhirKing of the Arabs [of Irak]had a daughter named Hindwho was eleven years old and was the loveliest woman of her age and time. She went out one Easter,which is a feast-day of the Nazarenesto the White Churchto take the sacrament. Now that day came to El Hireh a young man called Adi ben Zeidwith presents from Chosrosto En Numanand he also went into the White Churchto communicate. He was tall and well-favouredwith handsome eyes and smooth cheeksand had with him a company of his people. Now there was with Hind a slave-girl named Mariyeh,who was enamoured of Adibut had not been able to win to him.
Sowhen she saw him in the churchshe said to Hind'Look at yonder youth. By Allahhe is handsomer than all thou seest!'
'And who is he?'asked Hind. 'Adi ben Zeid,'answered Mariyeh Quoth the princess'I fear lest he know meif I draw near,to look on him closelier.'How should he know thee,'said Mariyeh'when he has never seen thee?'So she drew near him and found him jesting with his companions;and indeed he surpassed them allnot only in his beautybut in the excellence of his speech and the eloquence of his tongue and the richness of his apparel. When the princess saw himshe was ravished with himher reason was confounded and her colour changed;and Mariyehseeing her inclination to himsaid to her'Speak to him.'So she spoke to him and went away.
When he saw her and heard her speechhe was captivated by her and his wit was dazed;his colour changed and his heart flutteredso that his companions misdoubted of himand he whispered one of them to follow her and find out who she was.
The man followed her and returning to his masterinformed him that she was the princess Hinddaughter of En Numan. So Adi left the churchknowing not whither he wentfor stress of loveand reciting the following verses:
Companions mineyet one more favour I entreat: Address ye to the ways once more your travelling feet.
Turn me towards the landsthe lands where Hinda dwells;Then go and her I love with tidings of me greet.
Then he went to his lodging and lay that nightrestless nor tasting sleep. On the morrowMariyeh accosted himand he received her kindlythough before he would not hearken to her,and said to her'What is thy will?'Quoth she'I have a suit to thee.'Name it,'answered he;'forby Allahthou shalt not ask me aughtbut I will give it thee!'So she told him that she was in love with himand her suit to him was that he would grant her a lover's privacy;and he agreed to do her willon condition that she would serve him with Hind and make shift to bring them together. Then he took her into a vintner's shopin one of the by-streets of Hirehand lay with her;after which she returned to Hind and said to her'Dost thou not long to see Adi?'How can this be?'replied the princess.
'Indeed my longing for him makes me restlessand no repose is left me since yesterdayon his account.'Quoth Mariyeh'I will appoint him to be in such a placewhere thou canst look on him from the palace.'Do what thou wilt,'replied Hind and agreed with her upon the place.
So Adi cameand the princess looked out upon him;and when she saw himshe was like to fall down from the top of the palace and said to Mariyeh'Except thou bring him in to me this nightI shall die.'So sayingshe fell down in a swoonand her serving-women lifted her up and bore her into the palace;whilst Mariyeh hastened to En Numan and discovered the whole matter to himsaying'Verilyshe is mad for love of Adi;and except thou marry her to himshe will be put to shame and die of love for him.'The King bowed his head awhile in thought and exclaimed again and again'Verilywe are God's and to Him we return!'Then said he'Out on thee! How shall the marriage be brought aboutseeing it misliketh me to open the matter to him?'He is yet more ardently in love and yet more desireful of her than she of him,'answered Mariyeh;'and I will so order the matter that he shall be unaware that his case is known to thee;but do not betray thyselfO King.'
Them she went to Adi and said to him'Make a feast and bid the King thereto;and when wine hath gotten the better of himask of him the hand of his daughterfor he will not refuse thee.'
Quoth Adi'I fear lest this enrage him against me and be the cause of enmity between us.'
But she answered'I came not to theetill I had settled the whole matter with him.'Then she returned to En Numan and said to him'Seek of Adi that he entertain thee in his house.'
'There is no harm in that,'replied the King and after three daysbesought Adi to give him and his lords the morning-meal in his house. The young man consentedand the King went to him;and when the wine had taken effect on En NumanAdi rose and sought of him his daughter in marriage. He consented and married them and brought her to him after three days;and they abode at En Numan's courtin all delight and solace of life,three yearsat the end of which time the King was wroth with Adi and slew him. Hind mourned for him with an exceeding grief and built her a convent without the citywhither she retired and devoted herself to religious exercisesweeping and bemoaning her husbandtill she died. And her convent is extant to this day without El Hireh.