第3章 Abstract
Sport rules guarantee the order and development of competition as the law in the sport competition court. It may influence the result and quality of competition directly,and determine the development and survival of sport. A good sport rule not only can improve the competition level,attract more people to take part in the sport,realize really the purposes of educating and exercising people,but also can increase the enjoyment of competition,make it obtain more financial support,and promote the development of sport.Sport rule is the key factor for constructing system of sport theory,and the link between competition theory and practice.So,the study on sport rules will have important academic and practical meaning for the sport development and its competition.
Systemic theory study on the values,essence characteristics,evolution mechanism and development tendency of sport is carried out by using literature research,analysis and integration,questionnaires,expert interviews,etymology,history examination and mathematical statistics in the paper.The conclusions are as follows:
(1)The values of sport rules adhere to the values of sport competition.Its multi-social values are realized by serving competition;Its competitive values are achieved by regulating sport,maintaining its competition order and sustaining development. Sport rules can be divided into formal and informal rules according to whether they are prescribed concretely,and can be divided into constructive rules,regulative rules and technical rules according to their different functions.
(2)Sport rules are special group norms and manmade games rules which are based on skill rules and guided by moral rules.They have the basic attributes of regularity,generalization and predictability,etc.
(3)The unification of objectivity and subjectivity,authority and flexibility,punishment and inspiritment,universal and materiality,is the four basic features of sport rules.
(4)The evolution purposes of sport rules are to promote the sport development and satisfy the people's demands for its competition;The evolution goal of sport rules is to pursue continually their value,instrument and form rationality. All kinds of factors which impair the value,instrument and form rationality of sport rules lead to their evolution.The evolution foundation of sport rules is the people's demands for sports competition,objective conditions and laws in the sport competition.
(5)The holistic development tendency of sport rules:Promoting the development of sport itself,its technique and tactics;constructive rules will be existed steadily;paying more attention to“fair play”;rules establishment will be more science-oriented;the process of establishing rules will be more standardized;paying more attention to humanization in the range of limited harm;improving the sports' commercial value increasingly;paying more attention the challenge of goals;sport rules will be more maneuverable.
(6)The development tendency of strength conditioning dominated event-group sport rules:pursuing the result of“faster,higher,stronger”directly;paying more attention to the fairness of competitive conditions;establishment process of sport rules will become more standard;trying to improve the competition enjoyment;making the competition more humanized.
(7)The rules' development tendency of skill and tactics dominated event-group sport with performing difficulty and beauty:pursuing the fairness of judgment and marks;going in for the difficulty continually;beauty is their everlasting pursuit;trying to pay attention to difficulty and beauty at the same time;becoming more humanized.
(8)The rules' development tendency of skill and tactics dominated antagonism event-group sport by standing both sides of the net:trying to keep the correctness and fairness of judgment;keeping restricts and adjustments on service continually;pursuing the balance between offence and defence;controlling the competition time by reforming its system;improving the enjoyment of competition.
(9)The rules' development tendency of skill and tactics dominated antagonism event-group sport by matching in the same court:keeping fair and rational judgment;improving the enjoyment of competition;increasing the uncertainty of competition result;pushing the balance between offence and defence;exploiting the sports' commercial value.
Key words:sport rules;essence characteristics;evolution mechanism;development tendency