在一个巴掌大的手机里,各个组件之间的关系错综复杂,互相影响。硬件为固件的运行提供支撑平台,固件掌管软件,而软件又回过头来调度硬件。如果你能控制它们之中的哪怕一个,不就可以让手机听命于你了吗?但App Store的插手,给你对它们的控制加上了重重阻力。
本书从独特的角度剖析iOS应用,你会从比App Store App更低一级的深度去了解软件的各个组件在构造整个软件时起到的作用。你会由此发现你手机的“里世界”,它的能力远不止App Store所许可的那样有限,确切地说,它是一台功能齐全的计算机,在它的“里世界”里,一切皆有可能。
少年,从这里开始打破App Store的限制,重新认识真正的iPhone吧!
Dustin L.Howett
iPhone tweak开发者
In our lives,we pay very little attention to things that work.Everything we interact with hides a fractal of complexity——hundreds of smaller components,all of which serve a vital role,each disappearing into its destined form and function.Every day,millions of people take to the streets with phones in their hands,and every day hardware,firmware,and software blend into one contiguous mass of games,photographs,phone calls,and text messages.
It holds,then,that each component retains leverage over the others.Hardware owns firmware,firmware loads and reins in software,and software in turn directs hardware.If you could take control of one of them,could you influence a device to enact your own desires?
iOS App Reverse Engineering:Analysis and Practice provides a unique view inside the software running on iOS?,the operating system that powers the Apple iPhone?and iPad?Within,you will learn what makes up application code and how each component fits into the software ecosystem at large.You will explore the hidden second life your phone leads,wherein it is a full-fledged computer and software development platform and there is no practical limit to its functionality.
So,young developer,break free of restricted software and find out exactly what makes your phone tick!
Dustin L.Howett
iPhone Tweak Developer