更新时间:2021-08-05 16:36:13
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Chapter 1. Getting the Most out of Your Camera System
Coloring the light
Capturing the subject in the moment
Rounding up the unusual suspects
Supercharging the PlayStation Eye
Supercharging the ASUS Xtion PRO Live and other OpenNI-compliant depth cameras
Supercharging the GS3-U3-23S6M-C and other Point Grey Research cameras
Shopping for glass
Chapter 2. Photographing Nature and Wildlife with an Automated Camera
Planning the camera trap
Controlling a photo camera with gPhoto2
Detecting the presence of a photogenic subject
Processing images to show subtle colors and motion
Further study
Chapter 3. Recognizing Facial Expressions with Machine Learning
Introducing facial expression recognition
Finding the face region in the image
Feature extraction
System overview
Further reading
Chapter 4. Panoramic Image Stitching Application Using Android Studio and NDK
Introducing the concept of panorama
The Android section – an application user interface
Integrating OpenCV into the Android Studio
Application showcase
Further improvement
Chapter 5. Generic Object Detection for Industrial Applications
Difference between recognition detection and categorization
Smartly selecting and preparing application specific training data
Parameter selection when training an object model
Using scene specific knowledge and constraints to optimize the detection result
Obtaining rotation invariance object detection
2D scale space relation
Performance evaluation and GPU optimizations
Practical applications
Chapter 6. Efficient Person Identification Using Biometric Properties
Biometrics a general approach
Face detection and recognition
Fingerprint identification how is it done?
Iris identification how is it done?
Combining the techniques to create an efficient people-registration system
Chapter 7. Gyroscopic Video Stabilization
Stabilization with images
Stabilization with hardware
A hybrid of hardware and software
The math
Project overview
Capturing data
Android specifics
Rolling shutter compensation
What's next?